Chapter 3: The after Math

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The next Morning Cheryl and Toni woke up from Mrs.Blossom knocking on her bedroom door loudly and screaming to the top of her lungs "GET THAT NASTY SERPENT GIRL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Cheryl quickly opened her bedroom window and Toni escaped the room safely with her belongings and decided to drive her motorcycle over to Jughead's Trailer to get dressed for school. Cheryl opened the door "Mommy what are you talking about there's no one in here" Cheryl said innocently. Penelope looked around in her room with Toni's Serpent Jacket that they left downstairs last night. "Then why was this downstairs Cheryl" she threw the jacket on Cheryl's bed. "We went to the movies together last night and I got cold and wore her jacket I forgot about it and left it downstairs. Now please stop acting like Alice Cooper and get out of my room so I can get ready for school" Cheryl said as she pushed her mom out her room and locked the door. Toni arrived at the trailer and walked in without knocking only to find Betty and Jughead making out on the couch. "Um so I'm just gonna go get ready for school.." Toni said awkwardly and walked to the bathroom. "Was that Toni?" Betty asked as she pulled away from Jughead "Probably every time she stay at Cheryl's she has to leave early so Penelope doesn't find out so usually she comes here or to Fangs house to change." Jughead said as he readjusted his beanie on is head. "I guess we'll wait for her then" Betty smiled as she got a call from Kevin. "Hey Kev what's up ?" Jughead went to the kitchen to get some water. "You did what?! Omg Kevin she's gonna kill you!" Jughead looks up confused but figures it's just average Riverdale High drama. Which it was and Kevin Keller was surely gonna pay for it. Josie waits outside waiting for Kevin to pick her up but a blue sports car with loud music playing parks in front of her house. She looks at the license plate and it's say "Mantle" with the few numbers beside it. Josie sighs and walks up to the drivers window. "Why are you here?" She says as she laughs. "Giving you a ride i talked to Kevin and he said it was okay for me to pick you up this morning" Reggie reaches in the middle compartment of his car and grabs his shades and puts them on as he wait for Josie to respond. "I'm so gonna kill him" Josie rolls her eyes as she gets in the passenger seat and right as she starts to put her seatbelt on Reggie pushes the gas petal and already starts speeding while turning his music up louder. Kevin waits outside for Betty and Jughead hoping they could hide him somewhere before Josie and Reggie arrives at school. Veronica walks past him and steps on his shoe "Oops" she smiles as she continues walking inside. Cheryl sits in the lounge and talks with other vixens as Veronica approaches her. Cheryl already knows what Ronnie was gonna say "Josie told me what happened at the dinner this morning and she's fine with me remaining friends with you but you better not even think about crossing me Ronnie. Josie is my best friend so I should completely cut you off. But I'm not." Veronica nodded as she sat down with the other girls and joined in on the conversation. Betty,Jughead and Toni arrived at the school. Toni went inside to look for Cheryl and Betty and Jughead walked over to Kevin. "HIDE ME! NOW" kevin said as he heard the revving and loud music from Reggie's car. Betty sent Kevin to the Blue and Gold office and Jughead went with him . Josie and Reggie got out the car. Josie shoved her bag into Reggie's arms and speed walked angrily to the school as she paused in front of Betty "I know you seen Kevin where is Blondie?" Josie said as she grabbed Betty's arm and Reggie followed with Josies bag in his hands and with his bag on his back. Betty tried to lie but Josie wasn't buying it. Betty later caved in and told Josie where he was at. Josie busted the Blue and Gold doors open with Reggie behind her and Betty mouthing "sorry" to Kevin. Josie quickly attacked Kevin pushing him down on the floor. "Josie get off!" Kevin said while trying to push the small but strong girl off. Reggie smiled "She so cute when she's mad" Betty looked at Reggie like something was wrong with the sentence he just said but he didn't mind. "Hey Reggie mind helping me?" Kevin screamed. "Reggie I'll go on a date with you if you don't help him" Josie said slightly unaware of what she said. "Sorry Kevin looks like I won't be helping you after all" Reggie sat down while watching Kevin being attacked until Sheriff Keller walked into the room and lifted Josie off. "Thanks dad!" Kevin said as he stood up and dusted himself off. "Fighting like brother and sister already I see" the sheriff said as he fixed his sons hair. "Yeah.." Josie said as she laughed nervously. "Well enjoy the rest of your day at school kids now if you'll excuse me I need to go to talk to Principal Weatherbee" Sheriff Keller walked out the room and turned to the left side of the hallway. "It might be a good time for me to tell you that Reggie is your new carpool partner for the rest of the year" Kevin said fast hoping she didn't catch exactly what he said. "Really Kevin? Out of all people it had to be Reggie" Josie said as if Reggie wasn't even there. "It sounded like a good choice at the time.." Kevin said slowly. "Whatever" Josie said as she grabbed her bag out of Reggie's arms and walked to her locker with Reggie following her. "So..About our date?" Reggie said with a huge grin on his face. "I was hoping you forgot.." Josie said as she looked through her locker and her bag for something. "How could I forget? What are you looking for?" Reggie said while staring at Josie. "Josie what are you looking for?" Reggie asked again. Josie ignored him and later found the bracelet that her dad gave her in one of her side pockets and put it around her wrist "My dad gave it to me. I don't see him as much anymore and even though he's really hard on me when it comes to my music I still love him and he would kill me if I lost it" Josie said with a sigh of relief. Reggie nods as he zips her bag up and carries it. "Mind if I walk you to class?" Reggie said as he waited for Josie to close her locker. "Reggie why are you being so nice to me? I mean your a douche to everybody else 90% of the time but not me and its kind of weird I mean I get you have some sort of crush on me and all but I see the way you look at Veronica and it looks like you have a crush on her too yet your here talking to me.." Josie said as she laughed quietly and closed her locker waiting for Reggie to start walking. "Well I'm never really a complete douche to females. Even though I don't consider my self a douche also I know this isn't gonna make sense but I like you and Veronica both obviously but you guys aren't necessarily alike and it's weird. Besides you mentioned Veronica.. Are you jealous?" Reggie said trying to change the subject so he wouldn't get in to deep and started walking. Josie scoffs "Jealous of what? That I don't get to go to the dance with Mantle the Magnificent?" She said sarcastically while walking . " you said it not me" Reggie said as he tried hard not to laugh while stopping in front of Josie's Homeroom class . "Whatever..Thanks for walking me to class I guess" She smiles as she grabs her bag out of Reggie hands and hugs him. As she walked in class she thought about what she did and unfortunately for her Cheryl and Toni saw the hug between the Jock and former Pussycat. "Did you just hug him?" Cheryl asked as Josie sat next to her with Toni sitting right in front of Josie. " doesn't matter it was just a hug your acting like me and him made out." Josie said while glaring at Cheryl. "I mean you have before remember at Nick St Clair's party when we-" Josie cut Cheryl off quickly "that was earlier this year Cheryl not a big deal besides we were on jingle jangle what did you expect." Cheryl laughed "Yeah but a little birdie told me you to were flirting at Pickens park. My birdie said there was a lot of sexual tension." Cheryl said raising one eye brow up. "The point is that all that stuff that happened between us was old news." Josie said feeling extra annoyed with her best friend. "Whatever" Cheryl said knowing that Josie would do anything to hide her real feelings. Reggie told his friends about his interactions with Josie and about the date they are gonna have. The same old same old was happening for the rest of the day at school. Toni and the serpents made plans as always. Cheryl went around harassing people. Betty and Veronica made plans after school and Kevin and Moose made out every time they had a chance. Archie was practicing his songs he was gonna perform at the Dance. Reggie arguing with Jughead as always and Josie observing everything around her. At the end of the day Josie was at vixen practice and sat her bracelet on the bleachers and began to stretch. All the vixens were stretching except Veronica she was in the back admiring a golden bracelet with diamonds and charms on it hoping to get one just like it . Veronica wanted to show her dad in person so she put it in her bag not knowing what she was doing and forgetting that it didn't belong to her. She later joined the rest of the girls. Reggie was out on the field running laps because he used foul language to one of his team mates "what is this? Kindergarten? He mumbled under his breath. Josie went to the bleachers to pick up Her bracelet but realized it was missing "I knew I shouldn't have left it here" Josie said angrily. All the vixens were leaving including Veronica who later found out that it was Josies bracelet she took. Josie looked around under the bleachers and couldn't found it. She waited outside the boys locker room waiting for Reggie so she could get a ride. "Reggie hurry up!" Josie said as she became more impatient by the minute.  "SorryI kept you waiting babe" Reggie said as he came out of the locker room. "Not your babe you idiot" Josie said as she started walking out the school. "Someone's feisty" Reggie said as he wrapped his arm around Here as he walked to his car. "Get off of me" Josie said as she moved the jocks arm from around her. Reggie laughed as he opened the door for her. Josie looked him in the eyes as she got in the car and closed her door. Reggie got in the car and looked at her as he closed the door "you know you should get high off of jingle jangle more often.." He said knowing she was gonna get mad. "Reggie don't you find it sad that I had to take jingle jangle in order to kiss you.." Josie said as she smiled and buckled her seat belt. "Why do you make me out to be a bad person? I mean what have I ever done to you that made you not like me?"Reggie said as she avoided putting his seat belt on and started driving. Josie sighed "Your not a bad person Reggie but maybe I'm just not attracted to you." Josie knew she was lying but there was no way she was gonna tell him the truth.  "Josie everyone's attracted to me...You can try and act like I'm not attractive to you but we both know your lying" Reggie said as he parked outside of pops. "what are we doing here?" Josie said hoping this had nothing to do with her lying and saying she would go on a date with him. "I couldn't decide if I should have took you to the movies or do something quick and simple so I decided to go the simple route."  Reggie said as he got out of the car. Josie got out of the car and sighed as she looked up and saw her friends and Veronica in pops drinking milkshakes and laughing. Reggie opened the door for Josie and she walked in going to the opposite side of where her friends were. Reggie sat down in front of Josie and sighed. "Are you that embarrassed by me that you sat this far away from your friends?" Reggie said looking down. Josie could tell she hurt his feelings. "No I'm not embarrassed by you.." Josie said as she grabbed his hand and walked to the second booth behind her friends. "I was just trying to prevent drama but I doubt anything will happen ." Josie said as she smiled at Reggie. Josie saw Cheryl point at her and Reggie and Veronica turned around quickly and saw the two sitting there smiling at each other. Veronica got up and walked to the two teens which caused Cheryl to get up and make sure nothing got carried away. "Oh hello Veronica" Josie said as looked up from her menu. "Hey guys what are you two doing here together..?" Veronica said as she folded her hands across her chest. "We are actually on a date" Reggie said smiling and completely forget that he was going to the dance with Veronica.  Cheryl's eyes got wide and started  mouthing stuff to Josie like "You go girl" and "don't forget to use protection". Josie ignored Cheryl and planted her eyes back on Veronica. "Anyways me and my date here would like to have a little privacy so talk to you guys later" Josie said as she looked Veronica up and down and looked back at Reggie who's face had a huge smile on it. Veronica and Cheryl sat back down as Cheryl begin to fill Toni,Kevin,Betty and Moose in on the tea. Pop came over to write down what they wanted and took their menus away and started to get there food ready. Reggie and Josie had talked about all kinds of things like Family life and their hobbies other than football and music. Josie realized how much she has in common with him and how much she truly did like Reggie Mantle and no one could ever change that.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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