Wow, Mae-chan is really different...

He thought feeling himself falling more and more for her.

Inside the haunted house the two were given a flashlight and a task.

Find one of the golden metal boxes and recieve the award inside. But be careful. If you get caught you must return the box and proceed to exit without an award.

"So exciting!" Both of them said in unsion.

"Let's win this Mae-chan!"

"Yeah!" And the two high-fived heading into the building.

As soon as they were inside they turned on the flashlight. The two highschoolers did a pretty good job jogging trough the maze inside without running into a ghost.

"Yuu-kun a box!" Mae shouted which was followed by a sudden howling like sound.

Instead of going into the box's direction she was dragged into the other. Her mouth was covered with a hand.

Before she could do anything she realized it was Nishinoya who had pulled her into a darker part of the room to hide from the ghost which was appearently the sound Mae previously heard.

After a good minute Noya removed his hand from her and they both exhailed in relief.

"That was close. Thanks." She said sweatdropping.

The two figured out a plan on how to get the box without getting caught.
It requiered perfect timing, cooperation, and maybe even a sacrifice...

"EY GHOST HERE I AM!" Noya shouted at the ghost and was quickly chased by it but he ran away.

"GO MAE-CHAN!" Which signaled for the short ravenette to go.

She quickly took the box but instead of running towards the exit as planned she ran to Noya's direction.

"What are yo- AACK!" he said as he saw the ghost sharply making contact with the floor. It broke into pieces.

"Ah. I didn't think they would break that easily." She said dusting off her hands.

The male looked terrified but amazed at the same time.

"Run, Yuu-kun the exit is not far away!" She said dragging him along.

"D-Did you just spike that gho-"

"It is broken. We didn't see or hear anything! Just go!"

She said avoiding his question while still going for the exit.


"You won..." the two were curiously waiting for the worker to open their prize,"a xxl plushie. Congratulations! You may claim your prize at the next giftshop."


Mae's POV

We ended up riding alot of extreme rides but also did small things like shooting balloons or eat cotton candy and such. It was a very lovely day. The sun was setting and Nishinoya is currently taking me home because as he said

"It is dangerous for a young lady like you to walk home alone at night"

Which I found adorable and very kind of him to do.

Once at the front door of our house I turned to Noya who was already looking at me.

"T-Thanks Yuu-kun. I had alot of fun today." I said with a blush thinking about the fact that I just went on a date with my crush.

Mae Kageyama! Tobio's sister?!(Haikyuu fan-fic) (HaikyuuxOC)Where stories live. Discover now