"Ask Lauren," he pushed.

"Nah, I can't. Then it would seem like a double date..." Camila murmured, trying to keep her voice low.

"Camila, just do it. We'll just be a couple friends hanging out. She might have plans tomorrow anyway and can't even come. What do you get to lose?"

"Urgh... fine," she growled. Camila turned towards the raven-haired girl and covered the receiver with her hand. "Hey, Lauren? Mendes, Hailey and I are gonna to play mini-golf tomorrow. You uh... wanna come with us?"

The raven-haired girl's face seemed to light up and Camila felt her heart warm at the sight. "I've never played before but, yes. I'd be delighted," Lauren grinned.

Camila gave a nodded and turned away from the raven-haired girl. "She said yes. You happy?" Camila hissed into the phone.

"Are you?"

"Bite me." Camila heard the sound of Mendes's laughter before she hung up her phone.

After about two solid hours of math and Lauren, Camila's brain felt like mush. They headed inside and saw Sofia and Hayley in the kitchen raiding the pantry for snacks.

"Oh, look who it is," Hayley smiled as she saw the two girls enter the house. "You guys have a nice shower together?"

"What?" Camila frowned, feeling her cheeks grow hot. Lauren was embarrassed by the odd comment as well.

"Yeah, nice going with the sink, Lauren. You tryin' to flood out our house or somethin'?" Sofia chimed in.

Lauren was put off by Sofia's comment at first, but when she noticed her playful grin she realized she was being sarcastic. Something she picked up on while being around Camila. She chuckled lightly. "Apparently so."

"Good thing Cammy was there to save you." Hayley walked over to Camila and leaned her shoulder into the brunette's side. Camila rolled her eyes as she clenched hands into a fist and dramatically held it to her heart. "She was your knight and shining armour," she said in her best head over heels impersonation.

"Shut up, dick weed," Camila frowned, pushing her away. "It was an accident and I took care of it."

Hayley grinned at them. "Right."

Suddenly, the muffled shouting of two people could be heard coming from the other side of the house.

Camila sighed heavily, knowing it was her parents. "I take it Papi is home?"

"Yea," Sofia replied. "They've been arguing over that sink for like the past half hour."

Lauren sheepishly lowered her eyes. Even though Sinu had reassured Lauren that it was not her fault, the raven-haired girl still felt uneasy about the situation. If she had not touched the sink then none of this would have happened. Camila's parents would not be arguing.

Camila caught the troubled look on Lauren's face and became concerned. "Hey, you okay?"

Lauren looked at her shook out of her thoughts. "Oh, yes. Yes, I'm alright."

Before Camila could say any more, Sinu suddenly stormed into the kitchen, shaking her head. The room became silent as all four sets of eyes cautiously watched the older woman standing over the stove. One thing the Cabello children knew was to not mess with their mother when she was a wild beast ready to pounce at any moment. Finally, she looked up and all three of her children internally flinched. They never knew what to expect after their parents had a sparring match.

"Dinner will be reading in ten," Sinu calmly said.

Lauren watched as all three of the Cabello kids seems to breathe a sigh of relief.

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