U: When You Hate Thunder

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(During a Storm)

Taeyong: Doesn't let you leave his arms. Reminds you that you're safe and that you'll be okay every time there's thunder or lightening.

Doyoung: Turns off a few lights and grabs a flashlight to tell stories with. Makes sure to avoid anything that might scare you.

Jaehyun: Lies on a bed with you, holding you close to him. If you start to get either drowsy or more afraid, he sings to you.

Mark: Stays with you, playing with your hair and just talking. Tries to calm you down by showing you that a storm can be relaxing.

Ten: Builds a fort with you. You make it big enough for both of you to move around. When you finish, you lie next to each other and talk.

Taeil: Lowkey doesn't like it either. He pulls you to him and puts his arm around you while you guys watch a movie.

Winwin: Turns on some music to tune out the thunder. He holds your hands and talks to you until the storm finishes.

Lucas: Tries to distract you. Does something fun indoors to help you forget about it, like playing card games or something.

Jungwoo: Grabs a blanket and cuddles up with you on the couch. He turns on a movie (if the signal works) that'll make you smile.

Kun: You two make a fancy type of tea or hot drink together. When you finish, you sit on the couch, drinking it and watching a sitcom.

A/N: To all of those in the path of Hurricane Florence, please be safe! I love you guys and don't want anything to happen to you.

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