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by: Pandafuahh

Emily Doyle is a 17 year old girl in high school, and her protective father is head of chief at the police station.

All Emily's life she's wished someone would love her for her and not just her looks or how rich she is but the big problem is her father is the reason why she cant date, he wants Mr. Perfect for her.

One night, Emily is at the police station waiting for her father to return from a call when HE shows up, none other than Justin Bieber!

Automatically they are drawn to eachother but her Father hates him because all the trouble he's caused.

Little does her father know, is she talks to him and understands him. Emily is hopelessly in love with Justin. Will it work? Will Emily find out about Justin's Dark secrets? Will she able to fix him?

P.S Justin Bieber FanFiction

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