Epilogue [19 years later]

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I don't own any of the characters apart from Melanie Malfoy. All of the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. _______________________________________________________________________________

"Come on! We're gonna miss the train if you don't hurry up!" I shouted up the stairs. I could hear a lot of scrambling coming from the floors above but couldn't see anyone running down them. I sighed and turned around, making my way back to the kitchen where Dean was waiting for me. 

"Are they coming down yet?" he asked, looking up from the Daily Prophet briefly as I sat down at the dining table. 

"No idea. If they aren't down in the next five minutes though, they are going to miss the train..." I trailed off, looking out of the door. 

All of a sudden the twins ran into the room, their trunks dragging along the floor behind them. To top everything off, they both looked like they'd just rolled out of bed. Knowing them, they probably had actually... 

"What happened to your hair Cho?" Dean asked her, walking over and smoothing it all down with a flick of his wand. She smiled up at him gratefully and turned to pack the books that had just fallen out of her trunk.

I don't think it was really a shock when I asked Dean to name our daughter after my best friend. In fact, he completely agreed with me. Cho had inherited my pale skin, my grey eyes and my metamorphmagus abilities. She had inherited Dean's black hair though, which in my opinion made her look quite close to the girl she was named after. Apparently though, she prefers blonde hair so that she matches her twin and often keeps that colour, mostly to my disappointment. 

"Mum," Chris whined from my side, "I can't get my tie on right."

I looked down into his brown eyes that he got from his father and sent him a small smile. I bent down to his level and sorted out his tie. Christopher was almost my double apart from the eyes. He inherited all of my features, and reminded me of a young Draco every once in a while. He didn't get my metamorphmagus abilities though, which I am extremely thankful for. 

"Have you got everything?" I asked them both as I straightened up and tightened my ponytail. 

"Yeah!" they said in unison. I blinked at them both, amused at how close they were. "Are we going to see Uncle Draco?" Cho asked me, struggling to sit her trunk up while she pulled on her robes. 

"Yeah, it's Scorpius' first year so him and Aunt Astoria should be there," I told her pulling on my own jacket and checking my pockets for my wand. The twins nodded in reply and did a last check over their trunks.

"I really don't want to see Astoria. She absolutely hates me," Dean murmured into my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckled slightly and turned to face him. 

"I think you're overexagg-" he cut me off before I could finish. 

"No, I'm not. You didn't marry a pure blood when you should have and she looks down on both of us because of that. The only reason she likes you is because you're Drake's twin sister and you helped out at their wedding..." 

I had to agree with him. Astoria hated me from the second her and Draco got together. She looked down on me because I wasn't doing the right thing by marrying a pure-blood. I didn't care though, I had cut all connections with my father and his name and I loved Dean. It was only a matter of time before I took his last name and got rid of the last name I had hated for so long. 

"Fine. She has to play nice today though because there'll be people around us. Just promise me you'll behave. For the kids and me. And Drake," I added at the end. I saw him sigh but I knew I had won him over. 

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