The First Anthem

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It was nighttime in the hectic arena. The stars were shining, but could barely be seen through the dense forest by the ultra-powerful competitors.

Suddenly, the loud anthem of Panem blared through speakers hidden within the arena somewhere. The trees swayed as if they were parting so the tributes could look to the sky. The tributes then watched as the faces of their fallen Game members flashed across the screen.

Commander Paylor watched the sky with Charles Beckendorf and Nico DiAngelo, positioned closer to the edge of the arena. 

James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks watched from the middle of the forest. 

Hawkeye, Spiderman, and Gale Hawthorne watched from closer in the forest to the cornucopia. 

Seth Clearwater and Paul Lahote watched in wolf form from the midst of the forest, hunting Demetri, who wasn't that far away from them. 

Chewbacca and Maz Kanata watched from the Cornucopia.

Clove, Kylo Ren, and King Killmonger watched in respectively different places, each on their own within the Games. 

The Tusken raider's photo popped up, starting the show. Bellatrix Lestrange followed, and then the faces of Johanna Mason, Black Widow, Jacob Black, Annabeth Chase, and Clarisse LaRue appeared. 

Commander Paylor was surprised by the small amount of tributes killed during the bloodbath. She would have guessed that more tributes would be dead due to the immense power of those in the pool this year. She was surprised that she was still alive. 

However, much of the Games was still to come. The violence was just beginning. 


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