Jared freaking Padalecki

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Gen was standing with her back to you and talking to Misha. Jensen wasn't moving and you could tell he was in shock as well. Maybe even more shock than you were in. You tap him on the shoulder a little bit and he doesn't move his gaze.

"What? What?"

"You need to close your mouth and move on. We can ask Jared about it later okay?"

"Yeah yeah.Okay." He nods his head and starts walking towards the kitchen with you not far behind. Everyone was smiling and was acting like everything was normal. You went along with it. You were fine. The only thing wrong was the panic attacks. Which wasn't going to happen. Hopefully.

"Hey (Y/N). We all miss you back on set. Hopefully, we can see you soon." That was more of a question than a comment.

"Yeah. I might stay away for a day or two more. I will be back though. I promise." A smile lights up Bob's face as he pulls you in for a hug.

"Take time (Y/N). Don't want to overwhelm you. Come when you are ready. We have some new things to run by you when you come back. Not too much, just a few." 

"Hey. I have taken time. I only need a few more days anyway. I can come in and look tomorrow if you want me to. I have nothing better to do. Except for sleep. Which I think I have had enough of. I'm going to get a drink. I will see you later okay. Maybe tomorrow. Just shoot me a text and let me know."

 He smiles and turns around to talk to the rest of the people from behind the scenes that fans don't see very much. You were still in shock though. Why was Gen here? Not that you were jealous. You didn't care but she is the last person you had expected to see at this party. You had to talk to Jared but you figured you should wait. You didn't want to ruin the party Jared had so nicely set up because you had wanted to see everyone. You didn't want to ruin it just because of one little thing that was getting to you. One little thing that was bothering you a little more than it should be. You hated that it bothered you. You didn't want it to bother you but it did. It was the last thing that should be on your mind and it wasn't. It was the first.

"(Y/N) I'm glad you could make it. I didn't think you were going to come at all. I'm really glad you are here." 

"Thanks, Jared. I'm gonna stay after this. We have things to talk about."

"You are very right. We do have things to talk about. Here, have a drink and when everyone leaves we can talk okay?"

"Yeah. Sounds good." You flash him a smile and walk around for a few minutes to stop and talk to everyone, tell them how you are doing, and so on and so forth. After a long couple of minutes, you sit down on the couch with your drink in hand and close your eyes. You rest your head on the back of the couch. You sat there for what felt like years. The sound slowly drowned out and you couldn't hear anyone. You couldn't hear the noise around you. It was peaceful. You definitely weren't complaining. It was nice to sit there so peaceful. It was rare that you could find a quiet place anywhere anymore.

"(Y/N) you okay?"

"Yeah, actually I'm good. Just worn out I guess."

"Well, maybe you can lay down when we talk tonight."

"Jared if I lay down I will fall asleep and if I fall asleep there will be no conversation." You hear him chuckle next to you.

"Yeah well. Sleep isn't a bad thing. You are going to need it. Especially when you come back to work."

"Alright Jared, Everyone is gone except (Y/N) and Jensen. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." You hear Gen say before you heard some footsteps and a sigh. From who you don't know.

I'm sorry...               (Jared PadaleckiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now