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You wake up in a bed. How did you get there? No idea. The sheets and blankets are white and the pillows are grey. You sit up and notice your in a black t-shirt that's over sized. The door opens and your breathe catches in your throat. You let out the breathe when you see a familiar face pop in. 

"Hey! (Y/N). You're awake. I didn't mean to scare you, but you fell asleep on the plane so I carried you out to the car and long story short, I brought you to my apartment. I didn't know where you were gonna stay for the night so. Anyway, your suitcase is right there by the window, get up sleeping beauty, or we are gonna be late." Jensen leaves the room and thoughts flow through your mind. You walk over to the window and open your suitcase. You pull out (outfit below) and out it on. Looking casual but cute and professional. Then you put on some light makeup for a touch and leave the room.

 Then you put on some light makeup for a touch and leave the room

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"Hey. I'll clean my stuff out of that room after work today and find a hotel room or something to stay in. Or ill figure something else out." 

"You don't need to do that (Y/N). That is my guest room and I would rather you stay here and not live like Sam and Dean." Jensen laughs at his joke and looks at you going serious. "What I mean is I would rather offer my spare room to you then have you sleep in a bunch of hotels while trying to balance out money and cars and- Sorry. Come on we have to go. We will grab breakfast on the way to pick up Jared. I need coffee and I haven't been shopping yet." You stand there in a little bit of shock. You barely know Jensen. You had just met him yesterday and he is treating you like you were best friends and have met up after years of being apart.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" You nod and follow him out the door.  After picking up Jared and getting coffee and breakfast Jensen and Jared are showing you around the set. The last place you go is where your magic happens. Makeup.

                       **Hours Later**

"So, first day on the job. What do you think?" Jared and Jensen are walking next to you and like a sandwich you are presses between them.

"Great. It's actually really cool on set. I have learned more about this show for sure. It's. Great." The three of you get in the car and take off. Jared is left at his house first you and Jensen saying your goodbyes until tomorrow. After a few more minutes of driving you and Jensen pull up to his apartment complex and walk in. 

"I have food on the way because I didn't wanna cook. Not only that but also there's nothing to cook with. I assumed you didn't either so yeah. Hope you don't mind. I am hitting the shower let me know when it gets here if I am still in the shower when it does." You nod and watch him walk to his room and close the door. You look for a glass. After finding one you put some ice in it followed with water and sit on the couch. 

A few minutes later Jensen step out of his room and not long after that the food arrives. The both of you sit at the table and dig into the food. You can't help but notice that Jensen is looking at you. 

I'm sorry...               (Jared PadaleckiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now