Part 1-The Beginning

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"I'll comm her," Anakin said and reached for his comm. He activated Ahsoka's code and waited for her to answer.

"Yes master," her voice came through the small cylinder.

"Would you like to join me and some of the 501st for dinner?" Anakin asked her.

"I'll meet you in the galley," Ahsoka said and then Anakin heard the click of the transmission ending. He continued along with Rex to the galley. There a huge group of clones, helmets off, were eating. It was like seeing mirror after mirror repeating the same face, but feeling all the individuals who were there. It was a good thing he had learned long ago not to trust his eyes. Otherwise he would be lost in this sea of humanity. When he stepped into the doorway, followed closely by Rex, the entire group stood at attention. He felt embarrassed. "At ease," he said quickly and turned to look at Rex. "Do they really have to do that?" he asked under his breath. "I mean every time I enter a room?"

"Yes, sir," Rex said emphasizing the sir with a wry smile. Anakin rolled his eyes and continued to the chow line. War food wasn't good. Everything was synthesized and proteins added. It was sometimes too bland to even choke down. 

"I'll take the nerf steak," Anakin said to the droid who was serving. He wasn't even hungry. There were things he could do without and eating was one of them. 

"Hello master," Anakin heard the female voice from behind him. He turned and Ahsoka smiled up at him.

 "Snips," Anakin said pushing his tray along to where the desserts were. They were almost cleaned out. Clones did have a sweet tooth. He looked over some sort of gelatinous material with fruit floating inside, put the plate down and continued on to get a drink. "Stimcaf please," Anakin said to the droid serving the drinks. He'd been living on the stuff since they had left Coruscant.

"Everything okay Master?" Ahsoka asked as she followed in line. She picked up several fruits and vegetables to eat.

 Anakin didn't see how she continued to thrive eating the kind of stuff she ate. He hardly ever saw her eat anything besides vegetables. And these weren't the best. He needed a good meal, something which was filling. It took all his strength to fight and use the force. All of his strength to make sure he returned home to her. All his strength to make sure his men returned from battle. It seemed like he was always using all of his strength and not for himself. "I've got a lot on my mind,' Anakin said truthfully. He didn't feel as though he could burden anyone else with his troubles. He couldn't even be truthful with those around him. It was hard to block out those he loved from knowing about his one true love; his secret life. He shook his head and smiled at Ahsoka. "Still have to make an appearance to keep up morale." Ahsoka nodded her head. She was taking in so many things he said. She was picking apart every sentence he said, looking for the meaning in it. Anakin didn't think there was that much meaning in what he said. He picked up his tray and headed to the middle of the table where there was enough room to squeeze in between a couple of the clones. The clones moved aside to give him more room. Anakin sighed and dug into his meal. He pushed the pieces of steak around on his plate, but didn't really feel like eating anything.

"You okay sir?" the clone next to him asked.

Anakin snapped back to where he was and gave the clone a reassuring smile. "I'm fine," Anakin said and finally put one of the pieces of steak in his mouth. He chewed thoughtfully. Captain Rex pushed aside the two clones sitting across from Anakin and sat down. Rex was always watching after Anakin. He wouldn't be surprised if Rex stood outside his door when he was sleeping, or what passed for sleep.

"You need a break," Rex commented as he dug into his meal. Anakin had never seen a clone, who wasn't hungry. Rex ate as much as two grown men and sometimes Anakin caught him snacking later in the afternoon, before dinner; possibly a side effect of rapid aging.

"I need a lot of things," Anakin said after he swallowed his steak piece. "A break would be nice, but unless you know where I can find a beach to relax  on, quit telling me to take it."

Rex laughed. "There are many things you can do for a break that don't involve leaving the ship," he finally said. Anakin looked at Rex and Rex winked.

"So," Anakin said. "Do you have ideas of what I can do to get my mind off of this war?"

"Nothing a little drinking and shouting couldn't cure," Rex said. It was known far and wide that like their Mandalorian brothers, the clones could 'tie one on' with the best of them. It didn't happen very often. When it did, it was the stuff of legend around the fleet. Anakin remembered the last time he had found Rex, slumped in a hallway on the cruiser. He wasn't wearing anything but his helmet.

A smile spread over Anakin's face. "What?" Rex asked. He had a casual tone with Anakin now, As though they were comrades and Anakin was not his superior. Anakin liked it this way. It was more comfortable for everyone involved. Anakin lacked the elitism some other Jedi had. Maybe it was because he hadn't been in the temple as long as some of the others. He remembered what it was like to be around common people.

"I'm just remembering," Anakin said clearing his throat, "a certain Captain who maybe had too much to drink and shouting. What could possibly have made you think taking off all of your clothes was a good idea?"

Rex, a flush rising in his cheeks, busied himself with his food and smiled back at Anakin. "It's what you need," he said making it an ultimatum and not a suggestion. "Does wonders from the soul."

Ahsoka pushed in next to Rex and put her tray down on the table. She sighed. "What took so long Snips?" Anakin asked taking another piece of steak and placing it in his mouth.

"Those droids always are trying to give me meat," Ahsoka said. "I don't want it and they always try to push it on me. I just spent five minute trying to explain that I didn't want it." Anakin smiled. Little things which taught patience were important to the Jedi. This was his chance to impart some knowledge to the Padawan who had been thrust upon him.

"Patience," Anakin said, somehow sounding like Obi-wan, "is the cornerstone of a Jedi's training. Impatience leads us..."

"To the dark side," Ahsoka finished exasperatedly. "I know master."

Anakin smiled again. The same comments came out of his mouth not too long ago. Now he knew what Obi-wan felt like. Although, to Anakin, it wasn't so much a slap in the face as it was to Obi-wan. Anakin always felt like Obi-wan was taking everything he said personally. He never meant to hurt his master's feelings. He knew he had though, many, many times. "I'm just teaching you what you need to know," Anakin said and took a sip of his Stimcaf. "It's something you need to hear or I wouldn't have said it."

Ahsoka continued eating, staying very quiet.

Rex smiled across the table at Anakin. He knew how it was to train soldiers and this was just another chance for him to given Anakin trouble. Anakin returned the smile with a sort of sarcasm and then returned to eating. It was peaceful, although there were many forks and spoons clattering against plates all around him.

Peace in the middle of war. Anakin's eyes refocused and he found himself thinking, back to when he and Padme had been alone on Naboo. It was truly tranquil. There was no war. They were just there and she was the total universe at that moment.

"Sir?" Rex questioned. "Getting one of those feelings?" Rex didn't know what they were called, but sometimes Jedi were far away and lost in their own thoughts. They were elsewhere. Rex didn't know if they were in the present or the past. They just had this look on their faces. He knew not to disturb them very often, but the klaxons sounding all through the ship were a good reason to disturb the general. Anakin shook his head and the sounds of men scurrying to get to their stations flooded back to him and knocked him out of his reminiscent state. The smile, which he knew was there, faded quickly from his lips and Anakin, became all business.

"Ahsoka," Anakin said and rushed to stand spilling his Stimcaf all over his tray. "With me. Rex?"

Yes, sir?" Rex snapped back to being the perfect soldier.

"I'll meet you on the bridge," Anakin said and sprinted out to the main corridor.

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