Chapter Three

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Standing before your resting body, watching you for a few moments, Kylo then extended his arms out and dropped a pile of clothing on top of you causing you to jump awake. "Change," he demanded before walking away, you looking at him with wide eyes as your chest heaved.

Looking down at the clothing that rested on your lap, you sighed a "thank you..." before separating the articles and seeing what he had given you. It was a pair of pants, a tunic, and then a night gown much similar to yours. Had he made this? Or had he gone somewhere and... stolen them? Whatever it was, you were glad you had more clothes.

Just as you stood up, you nearly tripped, seeing a pair of makeshift snow boots sitting before your feet. Smiling to yourself, amazed that he had gone to that extent, you picked them up and settled them to a side with your newfound clothes.

Aiming for the small dining table, you saw there had been a tray set up with your food. Another smile grew on your lips, so there was humanity in this man. It only made you more and more curious about how he had turned and what caused it. Maybe one day you'd learn.

Emerging from his room, Kylo slowed his pace as he spotted you eating. You were hunched over, using one hand to clutch your cloak as your other served yourself. "Hurry up."

Snapping your eyes up from the bowl, you furrowed your eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"You will join me today." At that, he walked over to the couch, grabbed your clothes and walked back to settle them on the table.

"Oh," you nodded, biting your inner lip before you finished the small bit left. Standing up and settling the bowl into the sink, you turned to see Kylo standing there, arms crossed and waiting. "I will be quick," you huffed, grabbing your clothes and leaving to his bedroom.

Turning away from facing the direction you went in, Kylo eyed the shelf above the fireplace where your necklace sat. Bringing it into his gloved hands, he eyed the crest of your house. The shining silver that formed into intricate forms. He knew that house. Of course he had, seeing as he inhabited the planet. But the house meant more to him than you'd ever know.

Because of your parents.

Because of his parents.

The rulers of Thara IV siding with those of the rebels, aiding them, supporting them. Giving them knowledge and all that they could. He knew it'd be the last planet anyone ever expected himself to be exiled on.

To disassociate on. After all that had happened, after all he had done and gone through, loneliness and a stagnant life was the least he deserved.

"We may now go." Hearing your voice, Kylo casually slid the necklace in the inner pocket of his cloak before you could notice, turning away and aiming for the main door. Following him out, the two of you quietly aimed for the forest.

It was quiet, nothing but the sounds of nature, animals chirping as the snow slowly fell. You gazed at the environment around you, much different up in the mountains than it was near the sea level. As beautiful but much more lonely. You wondered how long Kylo had been living there. How long he had been alone. It only made sense as to why he was so hostile... aside from the obvious that he was a Sith.

Seeing a small creature skitter across, you gasped. "Oh, look!" You grinned, watching it hide in the bushes as you slowly approached it, Kylo rolling his eyes. You crouched and eyed the small animal, seeing it curled up, eating. "So small and chubby! How cute! I could eat you up!"

Narrowing his eyebrows, Kylo tilted his head, eyeing the small creature. It was much too small to eat... but if that was what you were into...

"We have more to walk," he spoke as you nodded, standing up and rejoining him.

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