Chapter 1: Where it all began

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Josie McCoy was more than the Mayors Daughter. She was a Singer, a river vixen and a surprisingly good cook but what she did not expect was for her to be a soon to be Keller. Josie walked outside and waited for her soon to be step brother and his boyfriend Moose to pick her up to go to school. She saw Kevin's new truck pull in the drive way quickly as Kevin motioned her to get in the car. Josie walked to the car and got in the back seat "Hey Kevin" she looked up at Kevin's boyfriend "and moose.." Don't get confused she doesn't necessarily hate Moose she is just not that fond of jocks and she couldn't stand sitting in the back seat. Kevin started driving as he turned down the radio and flashed a quick glance at Moose  as if he wanted Moose to say something to Josie.  "So...Josie do you have a Date to the dance this Friday? Because you know Reggie is still available I can ask if.." Josie interrupted him before he could say anymore "I don't like Reggie I tell you this everyday Moose and you still ask..EVERYDAY!" Kevin parked in front of the school and Josie got out quickly before Moose could respond. Josie walked to her locker just to find Reggie waiting for her "Lucky me" she said as she walked up to her locker "What do you want Reginald?" She sighed as she unlocked her locker and skimmed through it for books. "A date with you.. I know I asked you last week and you said no but I was hoping you had a change of heart" He smiled as he grabbed her books out of her hand. "Nope still the same answer sorry Reg now if you would excuse I'm going to go find Cheryl and Toni" Josie grabbed her books out of Reggie hands and walked away. "You know you want me!" Reggie smirked and walked over to the rest of his friends. "Any luck man?" Archie asked as he laughed because he already knew the answer. "We both know she rejected me once again but she'll come around no one can resist Mantle the Magnificent". Moose and Archie laughed loudly "Yeah except Josie" Moose joked. "Stuff it Mason" Reggie started to walk off "You know he was joking Reg come on" Archie said as he tried hard not to laugh but Reggie kept walking angrily to the lounge only to find Josie sitting there with Cheryl, Toni, Kevin and Jughead Jones. "Your boyfriends here Jos" Cheryl smiled as she pointed at Reggie at the door way but right before Josie could say anything Veronica Lodge popped up out of nowhere next to Reggie. "Hi Reggie" Veronica stood in front of Reggie blocking his view from Josie "Oh hey Ronnie what's up?" Reggie blinked a few times and finally made eye contact with Veronica. "I was wondering if you didn't have a date to the dance maybe you could you know come with me?" Reggie liked Veronica not as much as Josie but she was really pretty and she was a sweet girl and he knew he couldn't say no to her. "Uh yeah sure why not? I'll pick you up at 6 if that's okay?" Veronica grew a big smile on her face "Yeah 6 is great". Reggie nodded "Cool. See you later" Reggie walked off to go tell his friends. Veronica walked in the lounge and screamed "GUESS WHAT GUYS!" Josie and Cheryl stared at Veronica oddly. Cheryl was staring at her because she hates loud noises and Josie was staring because she was never fond of Veronica. Yes she went clubbing with her once but she only went because Kevin asked and because she didn't wanna hurt Veronica's feelings. Josie never liked how Veronica carried herself she always used the fact that her parents were Hiram and Hermione Lodge to get her way with everything and Josie was tired of it. I mean yeah Josie snuck her way out of trouble a few times by using the excuse that her mom is the Mayor but she never used it to make others feel bad like Veronica. "Let me guess you're going to the dance with Reggie?" Josie sighed and rolled her eyes as she begin to collect her things because she knew she could only stay in a room with Veronica for so long. "Omg how did you know?!" Veronica asked shockingly "I heard the conversation you were literally at the door when it happened Veronica" Josie looks at Cheryl knowing she wanted to tell her how stupid Veronica acts sometimes knowing that Veronica is a pretty smart girl. "Your just mad he didn't ask you Josie" Veronica giggled. Jughead stood up preparing to leave because he knew what was gonna happen next "um I'll wait for Betty outside.." Jughead said as he walked out the room awkwardly. "If you must know Reggie asked me to the dance last week but I rejected him because I have 0 feelings for him and he also asked me on a date this morning but rejected him again because like I said I have 0 feelings for him. Honestly you should be thanking me Ronnie because if I said yes this little dance you would be going to wouldn't be with Reggie" Josie grabbed her stuff and walked out because she was tired of hearing Veronica's shady remarks. Reggie was in front of the music room with his friends talking about his date with Ronnie knowing Josie was to walk past soon hoping she would change her mind but it didn't bother Josie at all. She knew what he was trying to do and she wasn't falling for it either. Josie never realized why girls liked Reggie so much I mean yeah he was good looking and had the cutest dimples along with his biceps and his romantic ways but what exactly made him so attractive personality wise. Josie later thought about how she never exactly got to know him on a personal level but she didn't care she couldn't afford to get distracted by a boy and even if she was to date him her mom wouldn't approve she knew Reggie used to be a drug dealer and she did not want her daughter anywhere near a guy like him.

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