Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

(Pane's POV)

His thick blood, covered my body from head to toe. A corpse was mangled at my feet and my entire being wanted to weep and cry. I fell to my knees and cradled the corpse into the safety of my arms. I didn't care if blood was gushing out the lifeless body. Because all I saw was my beloved family and friend, dead at my feet. He didn't deserve this and it was all my fault.


A fellow vampire was struggling as five werewolves attacked him at once. He wasn't a warrior so I knew he would be needing the help. I grabbed the collar of one of the werewolf's necks and launched them towards the wall. Smiling as I heard a faint,"crack". The vampire shot me a look full of gratitude as he snapped a wolf's neck in two.

The other guards were easier to kill because they just barged into the fight without a strategy or reason. Blindly clamping their jaws onto my skin. Almost instantly, they fell to the floor and died. Sometimes my gift was useful to me.

To busy with finding a bunch of mutts, I failed to see Fang in need of help. Multiple werewolves, attacked him from left to right and his body was slowly wearing out. Rushing over to his aid, I wasn't fast enough to get there before his stomach was viciously ripped open.

Blankly staring into my eyes as he fell to the ground and the werewolves immediately left.

I finally snapped then.

With eyes filled with rage, I let out a deafening cry of pain and vengeance.

(End of Flashback)

Overwhelmed with agony and loss, my inner darkness saw it as an opportunity and decided to take over. I didn't bother to fight back because I knew that I was to weak to even think about battling. Even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't.

It felt like acid being poured onto my face as my tattoos started to appear. The battle seized as vampires and werewolves stared at me in fear. In a foreign, low, seductive voice I shouted,

"Are you innocent or guilty?"

Not even waiting for an answer, dark shadows swirled around them ripping up friends and foes. Blood splattered the walls as they screamed in horror.

It all came to a stop when a certain man walked into the room.


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