Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(Pane's POV)

War was bond to happen sooner or later. I wasn't worried about my kingdom because I knew every vampire that I ruled, constantly trained on a daily bases, waiting for this day. We, vampires always liked to keep to ourselves but something about that royal mutt, irked me.

I quickly walked back to my room and pressed the red button that lied next to my bed, on the wall.

Time to call in the troops.

Once pressed, a signal was immediately sent to the vampire army. Not even a second later, pounding knocks came from my door. Instead of letting Will or a maid get it like usual, I waved them off and opened it myself with a bright smile. Taking a step aside, I invited them in and took in their appearances.

These men were about 1,524 years old with tons of battle experience. They appeared hard and rough around the edges, due to the number of scars that littered their bodies. But inside, their nothing but big, scary, teddy bears. I've known them ever since I started ruling and they know all about my secret and don't judge me, nor disrespect my boundaries.

I resisted the urge to hug every single one of them as I straightened my face and went into queen mode,

"I brought you all here today because we are going to war."

The armies backs stiffened and they nodded in understanding,

"With the wolves I might add."

Getting onto their knees, they bowed their heads while resting a fist on their hearts,

"We will protect you and this kingdom to the best extant of our abilities, your Highness."

I nodded in agreement before motioning for them to get up and get ready. I had a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon. Will noticed my concerned face and shot me a soothing smile,

"There is nothing to worry about your highness. A war against the wolves is going to be an easy win!"

I involuntarily stiffened and looked him straight in the eyes,

"But are you sure that the wolves are going to be the only ones fighting against us?"

His face quickly turned shocked with confusion,

"What do you mean your majes-"

"Think about it Will!" I practically screamed.

"We don't have treaties with any of the other kingdoms and one is bound to come to their aid in battle!"

Without another glance, I sprinted down the hallway, catching up with the soldiers as they headed to the palace training room.

"I'm training with you today." I announced as I walked behind them.

The group of men winced and kept walking with their head down and shoulders slumped. I was a tough trainer, if I do say so myself. I worked men until they broke down and cried but when they realize how important my training was, they always come back for more.

And I was perfectly fine with that.

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