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Here's the fun part where we graffiti up the boards with our appreciation for Farah! So as hosts, @Solaralunarix (Drae) and I will start out with our thoughts.

Sarah: Farah is an absolutely lovely person. She introduced herself and I found I had a lot in common with her, not least of which is having children (she has three, I have four), but our mutual love of Nutella (well chocolate period, for me). We have so enjoyed reading and supporting each other's stories. She amazes me with energy and passion for her story. I hope you get a chance to check Aurora Firedrake out.

Drae: The second author in this group I met was Farah. She was super cool nice and friendly. So I happened to bump into her book Aurora Firedrake: The Avalonia Chronicles. That's how my friendship started with her, with my remarks on her characters, and threatening to take each character from her so I can talk with them. I also read Virtuous Princess and thought it was pretty good. All in all she put the clichés into a whole new twist and gave them a whole new look.

Now it's your turn! Please share your thoughts below.

 How did you first meet Farah?

 What do you appreciate about Farah?

 What is your favorite part of AURORA FIREDRAKE?

 What are you favorite characters? Why?

What do you like about Farah's writing style?

And of course, anything else you'd like to share. Let's show AURORA FIREDRAKE some love, shall we? 

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