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Here's the fun part where we graffiti up the boards with our appreciation for Brittanie Charmintine and MERMAIDS AND THE VAMPIRES WHO LOVE THEM!

It feels like I've know Britt forever! I first discovered Britt through her fantastic book that came highly recommended by the fabulous @JayVictor and amazing @JessicaBFry. Since they are both amazing writers and I highly respect their opinions, of course I had to check it out. I instantly fell in love with spunky Waverly who doesn't take any grief from anyone and charming Pierce who pushes every button she has. The cast of other characters are just as fun and fascinating, but I have to admit that my favorite character is probably Beau, the pregnophobe seahorse.

It's been such a blast getting to know Britt.

Now it's your turn! Please share your thoughts below.

How did you first meet Britt?

What do you appreciate about Britt?

What is your favorite part of MERMAIDS AND THE VAMPIRES WHO LOVE THEM?

What are your favorite characters? Why?

What do you like about Britt's writing style?

And of course, anything else you'd like to share. Let's show MERMAIDS AND THE VAMPIRES WHO LOVE THEM some love, shall we?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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