Chapter 5: The seven magnificents

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(no ones POV)

A new day, a new adventure. Our adventurers again travel through the woods on their way to the island where the Yugo family is located. To kill time while walking, Ruel was talking about the Iops and their love for duels.

Ruel: Those lousy Iops and their duels. Honor doesn't pay, let me tell you. So just keep your head down, keep out of trouble, that's what I say.

Nora: That's boring.

Yugo: Yeah, but it's a pretty cool way to look at things.

Dally: Don't bother, guys. Honor, courage, generosity. These are the values we Iops hold dear. How do you expect an old Enutrof to understand the pleasures of confronting an enemy eye to eye?  

Ruel: Ha ha ha! You're dead right. Understanding Iop philosophy is beyond me. I'd be out of my depth. 

Eva: *sigh* They're like a pair of jealous teenangers.

(y/n): And we are their babysitters.

In the distance on the outskirts of the forest, there was a small town. But you could not see its inhabitants, maybe they are inside their homes?

Amalia: Hey, look over there. It's a village. Perfect timing to do some shopping.

(y/n): Do you always think of shopping to every place you visit?

Amalia: What can I say? I like to follow the call of fashion. Maybe you can help me find a dress that suits me?~

(y/n): Em-

Yugo: What a place! Come on!

Eva: Yeah, but for how long? This valley won't escape Ogrest's chaos for much longer. And how will the people survive when they have no more land to cultivate?



Nora: What?

(y/n): *whispering in Nora's ear* A global catastrophe caused by a violent monster called Ogrest.

Nora: Oh!

Ruel: Ha Ha Ha! Well, they'll just have to steal, won't they? Then they'll become outlaws, and then Ruel Stroud will pick them up one by one for a nice reward. 

Dally: All he ever thinks about is getting rich off other people's misery. 

(y/n): He just wants to get rich in general, he doesn't care how.

Amalia: Guys, are we going? Or are we just gonna argue here all day?

Ruel: The youth of today.

Our adventurers began to walk towards the small village in the distance.

Ruel: Don't even know what an honest day's work is.

(time skip)

Our adventurers arrived to the small village but something was out of place, where were the villagers? The whole place looked like a ghost town.

Amalia: Huh? Don't tell me there's no one in the village.

Dally: But there are monsters here.

Dally was in combat stance while holding his sword Rubilax. Yugo and Ruel were hiding behind some rocks, Eva, Nora, Amalia and you were standing behind Dally. 

Dally: I can taste the trouble.


Dally: Huh?

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