Chapter 2

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" This isn't wait it looks like " he says hoping off the couch. I can't say anything the tears begin to fall through. My best friend and my boyfriend were just making out in my couch. Before he reached me I grabbed my keys quickly and ran out the door slamming it shut. He comes running out after me but I run fast i run around to the side of my car but he reaches the passengers side opening the door so I just take off running down the street crying my eyes out not stopping just running he was fallowing me but he began slowing down. I can't believe what he did. I can't believe Ally my supposed best friend, we'll it wouldn't be the first time she was a mega boy hog and a big slut bag I just... I don't know anymore.

I run a few more miles up the street when I realize it's now dark out side and I was far from home we'll not home anymore. I was close to Hayden's house though it was a half mile up the road so I walk there and get to his door I'm sweaty and now bare footed must have lost my flats when I was running I was a mess. I don't know what he'll say but in sure it will make me feel better.

'Knock, knock' on the door to Hayden's small blue house.

" 1 sec " said the calming voice of my true friend.

He swings the door open with a smile bigger than life but changes after looking at me who was now crying again.

" No don't cry, come in " I says wrapping his arm around me pulling me in.

He was tall with long blonde hair and the bluest eyes he kinda had the skater look going on.

" You want to talk " he says hugging me me I just cry softly in his arms. I can't say any thing the words just don't come out.

" Let's sit down " he say walking me too the orange couch he had in his living room. I sit down next to him and he wipes the tears away.

" Talk to me " he says turning off his tv.

I take a deep breath wipe the tears from my face and try and compose my self.

" Uh... " my voice was shaky.

" I, I got of work early an, and Ally and Jared were... " I just start crying again.

" No way " he says jumping up.

" I can't believe her and for him I'm going to kick his ass " he says steaming a little like actually mad which he never was.

I get up and grab his arms gently.

" I'm the only one aloud to have crazy emotions right now, be my rock, please " I say putting on a fake smile and hug him and he hugs back.

" Okay " he says calming down rubbing the back of my head.

" Can I stay the night here? I can't go back there " I say looking into his eyes.

" Stay as long as you need you can stay in the guest room "

" Thanks " I say giving him a quick hug. He was always there for me he truest was my best friend in the world.

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