Sexy betty

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Jughead's POV

What?! Betty is here?! What do you mean ?! "Jughead whipped around, his stomach released when he looked at all Riverdale High students standing in the white mask, immediately he saw her, the throat wiped at her sight.

Betty stood in front and in the middle of the bar, long golden waves flowing past her shoulders and rested on her bare back, the little strapless black thought left a little to the imagination and the bright pastel pink dress she barely bore in the middle of the thigh, her lips were painted rose petals pink per ordinary and her deep green eyes were framed by her long dark eyelashes. Her long legs looked longer than ever in the black jaws she wore. She looked amazing and that was the problem.

She was surrounded by both boys and men, each staring at her smooth tan legs or her perfect breasts. Oh no no no no no no.

He was up out of the seat. In seconds flat, past Reggie and Sweetpea, who seemed to have a normal civil conversation. Jughead's cool eyes caught Bettys surprised when he grabbed her hand, gently pushed behind her back and angry with her other Serpents.

"No. She is mine. Not yours, not yours and definitely not yours." He called out to point out individual relatives when he pulled her away. "Do not look and do not touch." He called over his shoulder and moved them both outside.

"Jughead! What was that? I just talked to your friends! What's wrong with you?"
Betty brushed her skirt and crossed her arms.

Jughead stared at an eye on her and pushed her chest before shaking his head and almost crying out.

"What's wrong with me ?! Me ?! What are you doing here ?! You know it's not safe, I said I'd see you when it's safe and you're coming here .. dressed like this .. what did you think? "

Something shook in Betty's dark iris
"Dressed like what?" She nails lower than normal.

Jughead took a step back on his angry tone
"It's just ... you never leave the house without a shirt and that dress! Look at how short it is!" He beat when Betty stalked at him and shot a finger in his chest.

"The dress is short for purpose. Have you ever stopped thinking that I might be tired of playing it for sure? Maybe I'm sick to see you play this dangerous game? It's my turn to play with fire and honestly I do not care If you do not "approve" I miss you and I'm here for you. So either enjoy the fine-grained view or watch it go away. "With that Betty angry his long blonde hair and started walking away, fortunately, Jughead was faster and he grabbed her forearm pulled her chest and placed a passionate kiss on her lips before dragging and resting on her forehead.

"I'm sorry. I love you and I just want you safe. I missed you so much and you look beautiful. I'm sorry, I just .. I know you can handle yourself, I just want you safe . "He stopped lamely, his fingers bent his waist.

Betty sighed and pressed another kiss on her lips
"I know. I'm sorry, I just missed you, plusssssssssss ...." Betty sang "I thought this might be the best way to get both sides to talk, an intervention if you want." She smiled

Jughead slammed his hand in his.
"You're too smart for your own good betty cooper."

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