New Friend - Chapter 3

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Dabi heard someone yell out his name from the door as he was seated in his desk.
"Here she comes.."
Toga ran over and sat in her seat, behind him.

"Good morning Dabi!"
Toga greeted Dabi and when he turned to her, their faces were so close that their noses almost touched. Toga didn't realise how embarrassing it was though, she was grinning. Dabi pulled back and turned away.

"Good morning Yuno and Esdeath!"
Toga greeted the two girls as they sat beside her in their seats.
"Good morning~"
"Say, Toga"
Esdeath leaned in closer to Toga.
"How's things going with your crush?"
Dabi heard it and was waiting for what Toga would say, but she didn't say anything.
After a while, Toga spoke.
She smiled and stated.
"It's fine."
"So is he yours, now?"
"No, not really."
"Why not? We told you not to lose, didn't we?"
"Yeah but"
"Jeez, you're a disappointment.. at least I still have my Tatsumi."

Dabi stood up suddenly and turned around. The three girls looked at him in surprise.
"What do you want?"
Yuno first spoke.
He ignored her and pulled Toga's arm.
"Come with me for abit."
Toga was dragged out the class before she could even answer.
They stopped suddenly in an empty hallway.

"What's the matter?"
Toga asked as she pulled back her arm and rubbed it.
"Jeez that hurt."
Dabi turned to her.
He then pulled her and hugged her.
Bit by bit, he hugged her tighter.

"D-Dabi i-it hurts.."
He pulled away when Toga complained.
Dabi turned his head to the side.
"But we're friends now, right?"
"Of course!" Toga exclaimed.
"Then don't force yourself to be happy when you're not, in front of me."
Toga became silent.
"You're my second friend. Someone who's willing to hang out with me. I'm glad and thankful. So, I want to do my part and be a good friend as well."
Dabi explained.
Toga's eyes suddenly started to well up.
A tear rolled down her right cheek.
She started laughing awkwardly as she wiped off the tears that continously fell.

"W-What's wrong with me? A-Ahaha I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.."
Dabi placed his hand on her head.
Toga looked up and saw a slight smile on Dabi's face.
She then grinned as well.

"Thank you.."
was how it would have ended but Toga got curious.
"Wait.. second friend? Then who's your first?"
"Ugh I knew you'd ask." Dabi groaned.
"He's actually my childhood friend. He was an outcast like me as well. He liked playing with toy hands i dont know, he's just as weird as me, I guess. As no one else wanted to hang out with us, we ended up together."
"Oh.." Toga actually got excited. "Does he go to this school as well?"
"Oh and what's his name?"
"Tomura. Tomura Shigaraki."

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