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Lights. Camera. Action.

Sapphire. Not May.

Lights. Camera. Action.

Be Sapphire.

Deep breath.


You got this.


Take a huge sip of water.


Focus, May!


Wrong lines. (Again!)



"I think we're done for the day," Luke commented, four hours after I stepped on set for my opening scene.

By the time the director had uttered those words, my feet were blistering and my head was pounding. June was nowhere to be seen and I was beyond ready to go home.

I peeled off my strappy heels and was about to walk off set. I wasn't thinking about anything else other than my foot bath and so I didn't see the puddle of spilt coffee lying in the middle of the corridor. There I was: exhausted and praying for nothing more than a foot massage when I slipped and nearly fell to my inevitable death.

Fortunately, someone was there to catch me. I felt my lungs empty of air as my body fell into his arms. Instinctively, I tried to get up by myself but his strong arms and annoyingly sexy scent held me down

"Careful there, princess." He smiled down at me.

My heart stopped dead. Who had eyes so bright blue and hair so dark? He was sexy and he knew it. I resented his perfect ass.

"Jet," I managed to mutter.

He smirked and slowly brought me back to my feet.

"Where did you come from?" I asked, slightly confused.

My mind was fuzzy.

I need sleep

"I was looking for Luke but then I got distracted." He answered.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious. I was about to talk to him when I saw you were still working, I decided to sit and watch. Thankfully I saw you slip and helped you out. If something bad had happened to you, I don't know what I would do." He said, his expression turning sombre.

At that point, I was too tired to even register the seriousness of his words.

Me want sleep

"That's so sweet. I just need to get to my trailer because my feet are killing me. Excuse me." I replied, turning to leave.

Is this what it feels like to be drunk?


I stopped and faced him. "Yeah?"

"I have a foot bath in my trailer. My trailer is much closer than yours." He suggested.

Ok, I'm clearly not drunk- I mean tired enough for that

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I'll survive the extra distance. Thank you for the offer though."

He smirked, which only resulted in annoying me. "Of course, princess."

"Don't call me that." I snapped before turning sharply.

The floor was wet and I was barefoot. I mentally face-palmed myself as I fell again. I didn't expect Jet to catch me again but he did.

The Wrong CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now