2: I'll punish you...

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>Right now, I wish Tae was older than Jimin. AHASDJHSHD<
"Daily ranting~" said KumaXmon


*Jimin's P.O.V*

"What was that for?!" I shouted at him?

"What was what for?" Tae responded.

"Why did you push me on the bed and hover over me like that!" I asked.

"Oh! Is that not normal? I saw it on an anime series you were watching!" He explained.

"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" He looked at me, slightly intimidated.

"Why? It convinced you to go to school, speaking of school, YOU ARE LATE" He reminded

"Oh, yeah... I'll just skip a shower." Tae rolled his eyes.

"I'll make some food for you, you might be hungry when you come back." Tae told me.

*Taehyung's P.O.V"

"You know how to cook?!" Jimin was in shock.

"You watch Masterchef!" I smiled.

"Oh, makes sense" I'm hoping he isn't going to make me cook for him everyday. This boy eats a lot!

"Shush, go to school. Grades are important." I pointed my finger at his bag.

"Understood, mother." he mumbled the "mother" bit

"I heard that" I said.

"Good" Jimin smirked.

"Just get to school, bish" I am officially done entertaining his tardiness. I want him to leave.

"Ugh, fine." with that, he got up and got ready.

~Around 15 minutes later~

"I'm gonna get going, bye!" He waved.

"DONT YOU DARE MESS UP THE HOUSE. IF I COME BACK AND SEE SHIT EVERYWHERE...." I got curious as he paused for a while...

"I'll punish you." He had a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked, but he had already left.

"I've overheard enough of conversations between Namjoon and him to know what "punishment" means.... OH GOD" I mentally screamed.

I mean, Jimin is HOT but I don't think he'll like me. I wish he didn't teach Jungkook all those "things" yesterday while watching Yachirin Bitch Club. I, unfortunately, heard them and cant forget them

*Jimin's P.O.V*

Hopefully I intimidated Tae enough, I don't want him thinking I'll go play with him though. Doing that kind of thing with a tiger plushie that I didn't even know was alive would be wrong on many levels.

"20 minutes till class, I'll take around 10 to 15 more minutes..." I reminded myself.

My phone started ringing...

"ShiTTT. Its Jin." Not this again...

"What do you want?" I asked him, annoyed.

"I want to know why you're late!" He yelled.

"How am I late? Classes start in... 18 minutes!" I responded.


"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Its due in a little less than a month anyway!" I forgot about that meeting. I bet Namjoon didn't show up either.

"We have a week left to hand in the planning sheet, lets try to make up for the last project we did. We already have 2 shitty projects, we don't need more." He sighed.

"Kay, I gotta go, bye hyung" I hung up.

I crossed a road and found a ofo bike.

"Sweet!" I was relieved.

~4 minutes later~

I reached school to see Jin waiting for me. I got off the bike, rested it against a wall and walked over to him.

"I AINT LATE TODAY, SUCKA" I rubbed it in his face.

"I know." He responded as we walked to class.

"By the way, this "sucka" gets better grades and gets in trouble less compared to you, plus, I'm part of the student council while all you do is get caught copying homework by them."

"Mon dieu, is Jin finally learning the art of roasting?!" I gasped.

"eff off" He rolled his eyes.

"Kay, Jinnie~" I patted his shoulder.

"Good luck for the test today." He sung.

"There's a test today?!" I stopped walking.

"Yes, there is!" Jin smiled.

my mouth was wide open but luckily, Jin didn't see.

"Lets see if karma will give you bad grades for being late to our meeting." He smirked.

"Lets see. It ain't graded so I don't really care." I tried acting calm in front of Jin, but on the inside, I was screaming.

"I can see through your facade, stop pretending" He patted my shoulder.

I stared at him, with a frown...

"I don't care how many girls find you hot, you are and will always be, only a boy with a cute face and squishy cheeks" Jin pinched my cheeks

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"I don't care how many girls find you hot, you are and will always be, only a boy with a cute face and squishy cheeks" Jin pinched my cheeks.

"I will stab you with a knife." I replied.

"TRY ME" He smiles way too much for my liking, yet, he's one of my closest friends.

We headed into class to see that there was a new student.

*Tae's P.O.V*

"I'm home alone! I'm home alone, but luckily, I ain't a hoe!" I sang out loud. Jungkook sang that and Jimin got angry, It's stuck in my head.

Shall I adventure the house? It is two levels high.
Twice the adventure!


adVentURE tIME, CmoN GrAB YouR FRiendSSS

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