Chapter 2: chores & magic

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The next morning I find a paper with a list on it with deep dark ink. "CHORES!" I read the list

1. Make breakfast
2. Clean the house and room
3. Go into town & buy food find the cheapest deals
4. Check the garden & water the carrots onions & strawberries
5. Feed the 2 chickens
6. Make supper
7. Clean dishes
8. Go to sleep
This is your daily routine for now on

I start off by putting on my apron & slippers. I walk outside and go into the tiniest chicken coop i see 2 fat chickens on a shelf in a nest. I pick up a chicken and grab 4 eggs. I go to the garden and pick a few strawberries. She found out that the previous owners had a garden & since then she's been taking care of it like it was her baby. She got the 2 chickens from a farmer for free. I walk inside and cook the eggs cut the strawberries and put it on top the pancakes. I serve the food on the plates & place them on the table. I call my aunt down she sits down & eats without saying a word. I go up stairs and fix my room & clean the house. After that I get ready and put on my dress and shoes.I grab my basket and head to town. I see market stand & people and their kids skipping around happily. I buy a baked loaf of bread raw chicken legs a small apple pie flour sugar & yeast. I walk back home & run into magic man. 25 coins for a magic trick, I give him 25 coins. He smiles & shows me that the hat is empty then he pulls out flowers & gives them to me. " thanks you" I walk back home & put the flowers in a clay cup.

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