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Y/h pov
When I got home I couldn't help but feel like shit I'd just found a group of people that were nice I must have done something to slip up but I just didn't know what it was so frustrating I was so kind to them all and Scott just basically told me to fuck off just grate.
I walked into my bedroom and put on my silk pjs

I was about to wash off my makeup when I heated a knock on my door

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I was about to wash off my makeup when I heated a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it to see Todd stood there with a worried face.
"Are you ok"he asked kindly.
"Yeah"I answered with a down voice.
"Hey how about I come back here and we watch some moves?"he asked
"No Todd go back to the party I'll be fine" I answered I didn't want him to miss his party because of me being a downer.
"Hey I'd rather spend time with a pretty girl watching movies then see everyone get shitfaced, I'll be back I'm just going to to get some popcorn and put my pjs on"he answered smiling then running back to the house. I liked Todd he was sweet but I couldn't have feelings for him not yet.

Todds pov
I felt really bad what happened with y/n Scott was really out of order I can't believe him.I walked over to y/n to see if she was ok.She opens the door to reveal her self in some skin tight pjs that were pink and silk god her curves were beautiful We began to talk and I suggested we'd watch a move I just had to go get some popcorn and put on my pjs I walked back to the house to see a drunken mess of people.I normally got hella wasted at party's but this time it was different I wanted to make sure that y/n was ok and I didn't want her to see me as a drunken mess.I got to my room and quickly put on my pjs I then walked into the kicking and got some popcorn I then saw David sat on the couch "Hey Dave you ok"I asked
"Yh just I don't drink that much so it's kinda boring ,btw what you doing"he asked I didn't want to tell him because I kinda wanted to be alone with y/n but I felt really bad for him.
"Oh I'm going to watch movies round y/n"I answered.
"Todd can I come I have my pyjamas in my bag pleaseeeeee"he begged I could see the sadness in his eyes so I just agreed he got changed and off we went.

We got to y/n's house and knocked the door she answered this time she had her hair up in a messy bun and no makeup and wow she looked stunning with out it.
"Hey y/n I hope you don't mind David was bored so I said he could come"I said.
"I don't mind at all it will give me a better chance to get to know you"she answered she was so sweet I think I have already fallen.
We put on f/f(fav film) and talked while we ate popcorn we learns that y/n had been on YouTube for a while and had a lot of subs.we went back to watching the film and a little bit I'm y/n had fallen asleep on David's shoulder I saw him blushing I couldn't help but feel jealous,I looked at David and shoot him a look. In then we all fell asleep I had fun hanging out with y/n I just wish we had been on are own and not with David.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope you enjoyed it will be slow updates but they will keep coming I can't believe how many people have read it thanks so much.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x Alexa x

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