The party

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I began to walk up to the boys house I was really excited to make new friends I got to the house and rang the door bell.....

It was Jason for a second my heart skipped a bead thinking it was one of the other guys.Jason greeted me then a busty blond lady came over to me it was the one and only Trisha paytas I was in shook I loved Trishas she was funny and didn't care what others thought of her."OMG your Trisha paytas"I couldn't help but say.
"Oh my life you yt/n(YouTube name) I love some of you vlogs and makeup videos"she said bringing me into a big hug.
"You know who I am"I was shocked someone who I looked up to knew who I was .
"Of course I love you Disney looks you do your so talented oh have you meat everyone btw"she said quit quickly but I understood."Oh I know a few of them"I answered. "Let me introduce you to some of them"she insisted and then we walked away.

We walked over to a group of people.
"Hi y/n"David said blushing lightly.
"TRISH"we heard Jason yell.
"Hey David can you show y/n around please"trish asked.
"Yh of course"he said and trish left.
"So who's this hottie then"a boy with sandy blond hair asked."Dom this is y/n,y/n this is Dom."David replied. "Wow thanks for the introduction David,any way I'm alex this is Seth"said another boy with dirty blond hair.I talked to them for awhile the were all nice Dom was a bit of a play boy but it was funny.

About an hour later I was just talking to Todd when we heard people yelling.
"I saw the way you looked at that bitch do you think I'm dumb"Kristen yelled me and Todd looked at each other then went to investigate.
"What are you on about Kristen calm down"Scott said.
"You know what Scott we're done don't talk to me"she said me and Todd then saw her walk out the room and out the house.
"We should check on him"Todd suggested I nodded and we walked into Scott's room.
"Are you ok what happened" Todd asked.
"It's fine just leave it ok"Scott replied."do you wanna talk about it"I asked in a soft tone.
"Can you both just fuck off and just leave me house y/h"he yelled.
"What did I d..."I was cut off "go home now"he said and with that I left the house.I don't know what I've done I felt so welcomed and now I just fell like shit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hi guys it's gonna be slow updates from now on due to school but I'll try to uploadxxx

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