♥30♥ I want to believe in you/me!

Start from the beginning

"It's the same music! Did you make this, Deku?!" 

"N-no! Of course not! The box was expensive, but the owner said the locket also have the same music. Ah, he only sold it to me cheap because there's a small scratch at the back.

Yuuki took the silver locket and she looked at the back to see something etched in the back What letter was that? It's hardly visible. 

"If you don't like it, you can trade it back for cash." 

"No. I'll keep it." Yuuki was more than happy to have it. For some reason, seeing the locket made her happy. "Deku, thank you." 

"Do you know how to put it on?" 

"I do!" 

He watched her put it on but Yuuki put it on her head. The heart of the locket was on her forehead like that. 

"You put it on like this." He removed it from her head and he looked for the clasp. "Stay still like this-" He didn't realize their faces would be so close to one another! He's now shaking like when Bambi was born and taking his first steps! 


"Y-y-y-yes?!" The clasp and the chain was forcing him to be close to her! 

"Deku, did you know you have freckles on your face? Four on each side too! And it's a mirror match!" 

"Why are you looking at my freckles?! Ah! You're making me nervous!" 



At the same time Kirishima was walking with Bakugou down the street. Bakugou was looking pissed as ever, and Kirishima was as tolerant and friendly as ever with his explosive best friend. 

"Remember what I said. When you see Yuuki again, you need to be nice." 

"Shut the hell up, shitty hair!" 

"Come on, Bakugou, don't be like this-" Kirishima was the first to see Yuuki and Midoriya. From his point of view, he could see Midoriya standing so close to Yuuki. His eyes were dangerous with envy. 

Kirishima was not the only one. In fact, Bakugou acted upon the scene. He marched over to Yuuki with a very pissed look. He roughly turned her around by the shoulder! 

"Kacchan?!" "Bakugou?!" 

Bakugou looked at Yuuki to see she's wearing a new heart-shaped accessory on a silver chain. "The fuck is this shit, you dumbass badger." 

"Deku just got me a gift." 

"Heh, is that so? So now you've moved on from brainwashing guy and now you're onto Deku? Deku...of all people, it's fucking Deku?!" 

"K-Kacchan, it's not like that at all! Yuuki-san was on her own and I just bumped into her-" 

"I don't give a damn what you have to say, Deku!" Bakugou shouted over him, interrupting him. He grabbed Yuuki by the wrist. This time, he will drag her away by force! 

"Wait! Bakugou, stop!" She was pulling back while Bakugou was pulling her too. They were both in a literal tug of war.

"Stop struggling! I need to talk to you!" 

"Bakugou, you're hurting her!" Kirishima was trying to make Bakugou remember what they talked about earlier. "You said you'd be nice to her!" 

"Fuck off from my way!" Bakugou pushed Kirishima out of the way! 

"Stop it!" Yuuki grabbed his arm and she bit him on the wrist like an angry honey badger! 

Bakugou let go immediately! He was bleeding from the punctures Yuuki did on his wrist! 

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