Chapter 2: Setting Out to Sea(Discontinued)

Start from the beginning

"Yes it was!"









"Wait... YOU TRICKED ME! That's not fair, meanie ace." Luffy pouted up at ace "It is fair! You threw me out of the treehouse again for no reason!" ace gritted out while trying not to strangle his own brother.

"It wasn't for no reason though!" luffy whined out "I wanted to wake you up so I could give you your birthday present!"

"My birthday...present?"ace confusedly asked

Was it really his birthday today?Oh shit it is, I had completely forgotten about that! Wait...That means I get to set sail today! But...that means I have to leave luffy here. All alone with shitty gramps.

With each passing thought going through Ace head,Luffy noticed Ace getting paler and paler by the second. So he did the only thing that came to mind. That was to thrust a red box into Ace's arms to distract him to whatever thoughts he was thinking of.

Ace thoughts got halted to an abrupt stop when he felt a box being thrown into his arms. He looked down and saw a red box that was fading to black close to the bottom(a gradient), with a orange and yellow bow on top with a name card attached to it. Looking at the name card it said "Happy Birthday Ace!" in a cagligraphy that he recognized to be Makino's handwriting. He looked back at Luffy trying to figure out why he had even gotten him anything.

Luffy, noticing the look urged Ace to open his present with the best puppy eyes he could muster. With one look from those eyes Ace crumbled down, he couldn't resist those eyes of his sweet innocent brother. With a reluctant sigh , Ace carefully lifted the top off to reveal what was hidden in that so innocent box that was taunting him before.

What was inside had greatly surprised him, he just couldn't fathom why that hideous orange fit so well on that innocent hat. But, it didn't clash weird with the red bead that were connected to a happy and sad face. In fact they looked great together, but on any thing else the colors would most likely clash and look weird as fuck together.

"There's another thing under the hat, it was supposed to match with the hat." luffy's mumbled words snapped ace out of his musing. Listening to luffy's words, he lifted the hat and perched it on top of his head. To his surprise, he found a matching red bead necklace that was similar to his hat but not quite so, it had a redish but pinkish glow in the inside.

"I gave you a hat so you wouldn't feel left out since Sabo n' me have one and you don't have to feel left out anymore. And, the beaded necklace is made out of the sea coral which means you will forever be lucky! I wanted Ace-niisan to be lucky on his adventures!" Luffy was practically beaming with golden lights at that moment.

Left speechless Ace wasn't able to give his thanks to his little brother which made luffy nervous since ace was just gaping at him. Did he not like his gift? Was it bad? Did he somehow mess something up. Unable to keep the quietness going on any longer, luffy practically blurted his worries out in a rush. 

" DidyounotlikemypresentIgaveyou?!?Doyouhateit?!?!"

That had seemed to snap ace out of his shocked but then realizing exactly what luffy had just told him, he raced out his thanks, horrified he had thought he hated his present

"Of course I love my present! I was just speechless of the meaning you had given when mentioning why you had chosen this as my gift. But I loved it anyways since I got it from you!"

"Your welcome Ace-niisan!"Luffy beamed his signature D. smile but paused as if remembering something.

"Oh yeah, the bandits, Makino, and Mayor Woop Slap are waiting for you to leave for your adventures." Luffy mentioned as he casually picked his nose before throwing a booger at Ace's face.

At this point ace grew shark teeth while spitting out flames as he considered throwing luffy back into the sea to actually die with the sea kings this time. 

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE?!??!AND GROSS, DON'T DO THAT IDIOT!!!!" Ace yelled as he grabbed luffy's arm and ran back into the tree house to grab his watermelon bag to set sail but not before putting on his hat and necklace he had just gotten.

~Time skip to the bottom of Mt.Colubo~

"Take care,Ace" Luffy yelled to his soon to be pirate brother

"Yeah.See you,Luffy! I'm going now!" Ace yelled back as he departed from his home island

"Uh-huh! I'll be a lot stronger when I leave in 3 years!"Luffy yelled as ace was getting farther from him but he could still hear ace laugh as soon as he heard what he had said.

"Good luck,Ace!"-luffy

"Take care of yourself!"- the bandits

"Don't catch a cold"-Makino

Was all ace heard as he was getting farther from them but before he could get to far that they couldn't hear him he yelled out his proclamation.

"You just wait! I'll make my name soon!"

He had did it! He had finally left to become a pirate! There a lot of adventures and dangerous up ahead but he knows he can make it! He will get out of his father's shadow and make his own identity!

Word count:1,449
Published date:10/31/2018

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