"Um who are you?" The woman said

"I'm Taraji, who are you looking for?" She said opening it more

"Terrence, my boyfriend. Why are you here?" She asked with a attitude

"Terrence went to return his patrol car." She said ignoring her question

She started to close the door.

"Well, I'll wait for him. Come on August." She said stopping it with her hand and walking in.

"Whatever." Taraji said going into the kitchen

"Why you in my man's house?" She asked sitting down

The little boy sat in the living room floor playing with the toys his mother gave him.

"Because your man let me in, I hope you're not worried about me tryna take him because I don't want him. He's all yours. We are strictly friends girl so you can loose the attitude and sit there and wait like you said." Taraji said taking out a package of pork chops

"Oh,girl I know he's all mine and he always will be. August go put your stuff in your dad's room." She said coming into the kitchen

Dad? Terrence had kids?

"Taraji, Majesty is awake." Isaiah said bringing her into the kitchen

"Okay, thank you. I'm cooking right now. I'll tell you when it's ready." She said taking Majesty and setting her on the counter

Majesty liked to sit and watch her mother cook.

"A random woman with two kids and from the looks of it no job, just pops up at my man's house and I'm just supposed to be okay with it. If you don't have a job, you fucking him in exchange for a roof over your head. That's a shame. A grown ass woman who has to be on her knees all day to get by." She said

"Look, I don't know you and I've had the day from hell. You caught me on the wrong fucking day, I don't have time for your bullshit. This isn't your fucking house, you aren't paying the fucking bills here either so you can get the fuck outta my face talkin shit. I'd hate to have to whoop yo ass in your  man's house. Sit your ugly,bald,wig wearing, wrong color makeup wearing, my momma gave me a perm when I was little and it broke off my hair  screaming ass the fuck down and wait for him like you said. I didn't ask you to fucking talk to me. And if I was fucking your man, what does that say about your pussy? I think that means it's wack so Mind your's sis." Taraji said walking up to her

They were face to face. Tarajj really didn't have it in her to fight again. Her day was rough enough already.

"Bitch who the fuck are you talking crazy to?" She said

Her feelings were hurt but she didn't want to show it.

"Mama. I want num-num." Majesty interrupted

Taraji walked past the salty bitch and went to tend to her baby.

"Here,eat some fruit." She said giving her the bag of green grapes she had packed.

"Taraji, I'm gonna run to the teen center before it closes. I wanna shoot some hoops with the guys." Isaiah said as he came back in some shorts and tennis shoes.

He ignored the stank face he received from the woman on the couch.

"Are you telling me or asking me?" She said looking up at him

"Can I go to the teen center to play ball? I'll be back before 8 I swear." He said

"Go, And please stay away from Jeron's friends. You know they're probably looking for him somewhere. I already know they're camping out at the teen center looking for some new boys to sell for them.If they mess with you call me. I'm serious." She said turning on the oven and then putting oil in a frying pan to heat.

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