Chapter 1: Breaking Up isn't Hard to do

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        “Your breaking up with me!?” Emma shouted, not believing what she heard.

        Then again, she half expected this to happen. Colin Baker was the richest heir in his age group. He had more money than anyone could imagine, which tended to happen when your family owned the most popular hotel chain in the world. The Baker family were almost as famous as the Kennedy’s, they were always in the public’s eye.  So why would he continue a relationship with a museum curator, and an assistant curator at that?

        “I’m so sorry Em,” Colin said apologetically, his voice was painfully sensitive but it would have been much worse if he was harsh.

        They were suppose to go the gym together, which had become a little habit of theirs every Thursday and Saturday. Emma was dressed and ready to go in her black tank top and yoga pants. Just when she put her hair in a ponytail the doorbell rang. She answered to a casually dressed Colin with a look of anguish on his face and she knew he had bad news.

        “A lot is going on in my life right now Em, things with the hotel, business trips…” he looked away. “I’m so sorry. I just don’t have the time for a relationship. I wouldn’t be able to make you happy like you deserve to be.”

        Emma sighed. “It’s okay Colin, I understand. It could be a lot worst. At least you had the balls to tell me to my face instead of a text message right?”

        “I’m sorry,” he said again.

        He stepped forward as if he intended on giving her a hug but she stepped away shaking her head. If she received a pathetic “goodbye forever’ hugs from him, she was likely to crawl into a corner and ball her brown eyes out.

        “See you,” was all he said after turning away and walking out of her apartment.

        “I knew this was going to happen sooner or later.” Daisy said.

        Daisy Porter was Emma’s best friend since college as well as her co-worker. The two were one in the same and had an undying love for historical artifacts. One thing she loved about her best friend was her blunt way of telling the truth no matter how much it hurt to know.

        After Colin left her apartment, she called Daisy and asked her to come to the gym wanting some type of company. Since Seattle was so gloomy, and her best friend was just dumped, Daisy was happy to be of help.

        “That rich little asshole.” Daisy growled while pedaling on her spin cycle. “Thank God you didn’t sleep with him.”

        “You think that’s why he broke up with me?” Emma asked trying to keep up with her best friend's stride, who was a beast when it came to spin cycle.

        “No, Em.” Daisy replied shaking her head. She leaned forward and pedaled harder. “He’s … a … complete … douche … bag. Save your virginity for someone who deserves it.”

        “I don’t see what my virginty has to do with anything.” Emma said slightly feeling a little embarrassed. She looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. Thank heavens no one was.

        “Oh calm down, Emma. You’re twenty-five years old and you’ve gone this long without going for a swing in the jungle of pipe ballers. Absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m the one who should be embarrassed for losing my virginity in college,” She chuckled and leaned back on the seat. “Johnny Mccormick, the star Quarterback for Seattle state. I’ll tell ya, passing a ball wasn’t his strong suit.”

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