F O U R T E E N - "No chance."

Start from the beginning

"It's great! Sun is shining, I just planted some new roses and I didn't get pricked." Mum boasts.

Each to their own I guess...

"That's great mum." I agree.

"How's college going, honey?" My dad asks, his voice already getting higher.

From the beginning of my love of dance, my dad has never supported it. He never stopped me, he just wanted me to do something with medicine or maths.

Which was never going to happen.

"College is going great, dad." I say, trying to remain positive. "I just finished my dance routine that I've worked on, so hopefully you can see it soon."

"Yeah that would be..." He trails off, obviously looking for the right words "Great, I suppose."

I suppose.

Way to make a girl feel motivated, Dad.

"Anyway, Honey, we were just calling to let you know that," I can't hear the rest of my mom's sentence because Rob comes bursting through my door.

"You and Axel made out last night and you didn't tell me?!" Shrieks Rob, waving his hands in the air.

I should be shocked at this, but I already knew this was going to happen.

"Be quiet, I'm on the phone." I hiss, really hoping that my mom didn't just hear that.

"We're talking after, Missy." Rob says, raising an eyebrow. He then jumps and falls back onto his bed, groaning. "Ugh, waiting." Faking a shudder.

Raising the phone back to my ear, I wince as I hear both my mom and Dad's laughter. "What were you going to say mom?"

"I was going to say, that one of your father's friends sons is coming to California and that you two should meet up. But it seems as though you have the boy thing sussed out. Who's Axel?"

"So you guys heard that?" I groan, giving Rob a death glare to which he returns with a smile.

"Every part, Sweetheart and can I just say, I've never been prouder." My Dad says.

I can feel the awkwardness radiating from him through the phone.

"Thanks Dad." I let out a nervous laugh. "And Mom, Axel's just a guy."

"He doesn't sound like just a guy. I can practically hear you smiling from here." Mom laughs.

"I expect to meet him soon." My Dad says, his protective side coming back out.

After saying goodbye, I hang up on my Mom and Dad and spin round in my chair to face Rob.

"YOU KISSED!" He shouts, I have to cover my ears from the sound.

"Yes we kissed, calm down. How did you find out?"

"Axel told me. He looked pretty damn smug about it as well." Rob nods, smiling at me fondly.

"Really?" I ask, my interest peaking.

Rob grins at me. "Really."

Is he feeling this too?

I clear my throat and try to get rid of the blush currently painting my skin. "He's going to kill you because my parents now know about him and it was your fault." I nod, already wanting to see this fight.

"Shit, that was your parents?" Rob asks, suddenly looking scared.

"Yup, they heard every part of your outburst." I laugh.

"Meh, I can take Axel."

Thinking back to Axel's drool-worthy body, I laugh and shake my head. "I don't think you could."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm totally screwed."


Author's Note:

Well, that was an Axel heavy chapter!!

I was not planning on the bit in the corridor to go so far, but what can I say? I literally have no control...

But before your dirty minds go anywhere, no. They did not have sex. Just in case you were wondering ;)

Have any questions about the book? Leave them here and I'll be sure to reply!!

Please remember to vote and comment, it makes all the difference!

I hope you all have a lovely day/night :)

Much love,

Jade x

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