To Start

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"Daddy... It hurts, and it hurts really bad..." the little girl sobbed. Although she was 13 years old, she still called her dad 'daddy' sometimes (most of the times in moments like this).

Her cold tears were rolling slowly down her flushed cheek, as if in slow motion. She was laying on her stomach, on top of her dad, crying while he tried to comfort her. She never felt comfortable when talking about her emotions, she never understood them...

She always thought... Feelings--such a funny word. She understood perfectly what that strange word meant --feelings-- but she never discovered what it actually meant to feel...

She cried, she laughed, she got mad. It was all part of going through puberty, but she never understood why she, most of the time, felt like that...

The 13 year old kept on pointing at the middle of her chest, repeating it over and over again...
"It hurts so bad..."

The way she was feeling was breaking her dad apart. He was starting to brake even more than she was... Having her cry in his arms nearly every night now.

She used to be alright. She was happy. But recently she started crying almost every evening... The way society has pushed her, started taking its poll on her delicate emotions.

She knew she was overweight though. And she knew that her thighs were rather large, about double the size of the other girls', but she tried to ignore it.

She would have her occasional break down, alone in her room, at night. She knew she was going to be fine in the morning, but not long ago, she started breaking... Her friendships got more toxic and along with that she became more sensitive, making every emotion to the extreme.


I hoped you liked this little chapter. Please, if there is any mistake comment so I can fix it, thank you ☺🙂.

Next chapter will tell you what happened once she started feeling everything in extreme and how her dad found out!!!

Byeeeee, Andreea.

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