Chapter Three: Lilliana

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I walk out once I'm done dressing into random clothes from my closet. When I walk into the kitchen, I see Michael, Ashton, and the other two friends who I have not met yet.

"What took you so long, fag?" Michael teases.

"Oh, I stayed in my bedroom because I didn't want to have to deal with your stupidity." I retort. Of course, I was teasing as well. I would never actually be mean to my friends.

For some reason, when Rose comes down the stairs, her and the dark haired one of Michael's friends lock eyes. What?

"Calum?" Rose asks, confused.

"Yeah, Rose?" Calum asks.

"Yeahhhh." Rose answers.

"Woah, what's going on?" I ask.

"Calum is somebody that I'd talk to on Twitter!" Rose says.

"Well, I guess we did end up meeting then, huh?" Calum says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah." She says.

Then she does something unexpected, she runs over and hugs Calum.

I barely hear Calum whisper, "Are you still clean?"

Rose whispers something back, but I don't hear her. Calum looks upset for a moment, but then regains his composure.

They pull apart. I'm going to have to ask her about that later.

We all walk to the car. Well, it's actually my mom's van, but I convinced her to let me use it. Her and my dad are going on a date, so they'll be using his sports car.

I crawl into the drivers seat.

Once everyone is in, I start the car and we are on our way!


After the last performance, we leave. Michael tells me that they're staying at my house.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me." He says, walking into my house, and flopping on the couch.

"Lilli, Dad will kill us if he sees four dudes in our house!" Rose says.

"He doesn't care when I stay over." Michael says.

"Well, he's known you for a long time, he hasn't even met Calum, Ashton, and Luke!" Rose says.

"They'll be out before they come home in the morning." I promise.

"Okayyy..." Rose says, nervously.


I'm woken up in the middle of the night by someone screaming and crying in the living room downstairs.

I run down the stairs, seeing Rose on the floor, pulling at her hair. Calum is crouched next to her. Luke is trying to talk to her, and the other boys are looking from a couple feet away.

"Michael, what's going on?" I ask, worried.

"Y-your parents." Michael trys to say, but he can't finish. I notice that he's crying as well.

The only thing I can do is ask the boy I've been avoiding all day.

"Ashton, please tell me what's going on!" I plead.

He hugs me, which I was not expecting, but the next words out of his mouth explain why.

"Your parents were in a car crash, and they didn't," he swallows, "They didn't survive."

I feel myself getting dizzy, the world gets dark. I hear Ashton shout my name, I think.

"They didn't survive."

I fall into oblivion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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