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"so, what else do you wanna do on our little date?" jiwoo's heart fluttered at the question that left sooyoung's pretty peach lips. jiwoo put on a thinking face before letting out a small gasp. "we should watch movies at my place! i have a lot of them!" sooyoung smiled at the girl's sudden burst of happiness. "ok, we'll do that then"


once the two were at jiwoo's house, jiwoo immediately bolted upstaird for blankets, leaving sooyoung standing in the doorway. "ok i found the coziest blankets i could find." she smiled happily while carrying a pile of fluffy blankets. jiwoo put down the blankets onto the caramel colored sofa. "ooh! i have lots of movies to choose from!" she hopped over to the cabinet on the entertainment center. "so do you live alone." sooyoung looked around at how big the house looked for only one person to live here. jiwoo's smile faded. tears pricked at her eyes. "n-no i live with my dad" she gave a small smile before opening the cabinet, revealing the tons of movies. "wow. you weren't kidding." jiwoo motioned for sooyoung to pick a movie before she sat down on the couch. sooyoung was careful about what movie she picked and decided to pick 'love, simon'

she put the dvd in carefully before sitting on the couch next to jiwoo who was already trapped under blankets. "sooyoung help." she frowned. "i cant get out. sooyoung chuckled at the girl before taking off the piles of blankets. "thanks" jiwoo smiled. "what movie are we watching?"

"love, simon, i heard it was good." jiwoo gasped. "i loved that movie! i dont even think the dvd is mine though..." she chuckled "what?" sooyoung was slightly confused.

"well my friend hyejoo came over with my other friend and she brought love simon and it got all gay with her and my other friend..."

"wait, you mean chae won?"

"yeah! how'd you know?" sooyoung curled under a blanket before replying to a puzzled jiwoo. "well, hyejoo and i have calculus together and she always talks about chae won." jiwoo let out an 'oh' before the movie began.

8:45 pm

i feel like i have no motivation to continue this story :')) and its sad bc i love this story. also if i don't update a lot its bc i started school a few weeks ago so i have lots of work and stress after a long 8 hours of hell. anyway, hope you enjoyed this hella gay ass chapter. have a good day/night/evening <3

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