Chapter 7

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My feet slap against the treadmill as I run, my breath ragged, my heart pounding, and sweat pouring down my face and body. It felt good to exercise. I try to do it on a daily basis, but sometimes school gets in the way. Recently though, it's been Roza.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that she's a burden or anything. But the whole issue with the shooter has us all on edge, most of all her. It's gotten so bad, she refuses to even leave the house. I scowl at the memory.


I stand outside of Roza's room, which she's locked herself in. Mama stands next to me.

"Roza, habibti, don't do this," Mama pleads. "You have to leave the house at some point!"

Roza's voice is muffled from behind the door. "No! I don't want to! What if that guy finds me again? I can't have him shoot up the whole campus!" she cries.

I sigh for the umpteenth time. When will this girl learn? "Roza, I've told a million times already! I've talked to the security guards and they said they're taking extra precautions. Come on, you can't miss out on your orientation!" I exclaim.

She's quiet for a moment. "You know what," she finally says. "I don't care about university. A person's life is more important than my education. I'm not going."

Mama and I try talking sense into her, but our efforts are futile. After a while, we just give up. When I find this shooter, I'm going to kill him, I swear!

~~End of Flashback~~

I slam the stop button on the treadmill, and it comes to an abrupt stop. I stand in the middle of it, panting. I need a shower. Stepping off the treadmill, I make my way to the bathroom, stripping my sweaty clothes off my body as well. I step onto the cold tiled bathroom floor and enter the shower. Turning on the shower faucet, I turn the knob to the right, and relax as the cold water hits my face and body, cooling me instantly.

As I shower, I think about the events that have passed. I suppose Roza isn't completely unjustified in her reasoning. Afterall, the guy who shot her parents tried to shoot her at a mall. What were the chances that he met her there by coincidence?

In fact, now that I think about it, Roza may have a stalker. The guy probably knows where she lives. The only reason why he hasn't made a move till recently is probably because she never went anywhere public. It would be easier to hunt someone in a public space because then there would be more suspects. I hate to admit it, but that bastard is smart.

If Roza left the house and went to a public place, like a university, then that guy could strike again. Not only would she be in danger, but the students and staff would be in danger as well. Simply put, she can't live while that bastard is loose.

Good thing I've already made some progress on catching the guy. A few days ago I called my prosecutor friend, and he was more than willing to help out.


I tap my foot relentlessly on the marble floor as I sit in lobby of the prosecution office where my friend, Michael, works. A light-blue, long-sleeved collar shirt stretches across my chest and is tucked into a pair of navy dress pants. I look good. Where's Michael, I wonder, as I glance at my phone for the time. He told me to meet him at his workplace so that we could discuss things with his superior. I really hope his boss accepts my case. I don't know what I'd do otherwise.

The door of the elevators open with a loud ding, and Michael steps out, looking professional in a light gray, three-piece suit. He's a tall, muscular guy, and good-looking as well. Dark, aubern hair is slicked back with gel to reveal his clean-shaven face. Bright, green eyes are framed by hooded lids and long lashes. A roman nose hooks over plump, pale lips. He used to be really popular among the ladies in law school; now he's probably a wanted commodity.

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