The gryfindor princess has fallen

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"Let's go out tonight Mione."
"Ron I'm sorry I can't I have so much work to catch up-"
"Why can't we ever have fun?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. You're boring!"
"I just have some work to-"
"I'm going out."
"Ron! You can't just leave because I'm not ready to have drunken sex with you yet! Stop trying to force it on me!"
He takes a step towards her and she winces as the strong smell of cigarettes and fire whisky hits her. He raises his fist and hits her, she whimpers in pain as she is sent sprawling to the floor.
"Watch me bitch."
He drops his lit cigarette to the large neatly stacked pile of paperwork and apparates. She sobs, not bothering to pick herself up onto the floor until she smells the smoke as around her, choking her and tearing her insides. Each painful, jagged breath was agony as she desperately tries to stamp out the flames. By the time the beloved gryfinndor princess goes down, the flames are licking her skin with sharp tongues and the fire trucks arrive.

**********************************************************************************Draco Malfoy had just left his mothers hospital room and he was walking clipboard attached to the end of a bed caught his eye

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Draco Malfoy had just left his mothers hospital room and he was walking clipboard attached to the end of a bed caught his eye. He steeped closer and gasped. It was unmistakably Granger. She was covered in burns,bruises and blood, her breathing was shallow and her clothes were torn and half burned away.
"Excuse me sir, are you a relative or-"
"A friend. A close friend. She has no living relatives."
"Okay then, she will be treated shortly."
He smiled vaguely at the kind middle aged witch as she walked away humming tunelessly before turning back to the injured girl. She sat up abruptly, eyes wide in panic and confusion as she starts coughing and heaving for air. She flinched violently when he gently rubbed her back,trying to avoid the worst, most damaged areas. After a few minutes she fell back onto the pillows, breathing heavily and trembling. Tears streamed down her face and she made no effort to wipe them away.
She jumped and stared at him before hurriedly trying to scramble away from him.
"What happened to you?"
"Really? Look at you. Why are you so scared of me now anyway?"
"We had a fight..."
"What -you and Weasel had a fight?"
She nodded, wincing at the memory.
"He-He hit me and left... He started the fire..."
She jumped and edged away slightly.
"Sorry, sorry. The healers are coming in now."
She nodded and stared warily at the healers walking towards her open door.

"We've given you the standard painkiller potion, the stronger one would be recommended due to the severity of your injuries but it is more expensive."
"No thank y-"
"She'll have the better one please."
"Draco stop. It's too expensive!" She hissed at him. He dismissed her comment with a wave of his hand and nodded firmly to the healers. Hermione frowned and stared at him in confusion. He smiled and turned to one of the healers.
"When can she be discharged?"
"Hopefully next week Sir."
"Next week! I can't afford that! Can't I leave today I feel fine!"
"Granger. Stop. Thank you." He spoke the last part to the nervous looking healer as she hurried out the room. When they were alone,Hermione groaned and pulled her covers over her head.
"Draco," She growled weakly, "Are you still determined to kill me?"
"Au contrair my dear Granger."
He smirked as she sighed and fell asleep.

The next week...
"Good news Miss Granger, you will be discharged at 2pm today."
She glared at the clock, it was still only 8.32am.
"Granger eat"
She looked at her tray of food and pushed it away.
"Granger. You've barely eaten all week. What's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm just thinking."
"My house..."
"Surely it's still liveable..."
"It isn't. Just come stay with me."
"I can't Malfoy. The rent you'll charge, I don't have."
"I'm not gonna make you pay rent Granger. I thought we were friends."
"I can't ..."
"Where else are you going to stay then?"
That shut her up and she reached for the sleeping drought and carefully measure out enough to knock herself out for 3 hours and drank it. Draco saw the tears in her eyes as she raised the vial to her lips and felt guilty. It wasn't a feeling he liked, but one that had plagued him for years. Soon the girl was fast asleep and shivering. Draco pulled her covers over her.
"Stubborn little know it all!" He whispered as he kissed her forehead.


"Granger wake up we're home."
He laid her down on the couch and gently shook her shoulder. She woke with a start and rolled onto the floor,hitting her head on the coffee table and hissing in pain. After a few failed attempts she rose to her feet and grabbed her wand from the table. Draco had rescued it from the singed remains of her house, protected by strong magic. Blood trickled from her nose and she stood unsteadily. She swayed slightly and murmured something. Her wand dropped out of her shaking hand, and she fell to the floor.
"Mione! Wake up!" Draco yelled at her, shaking her and rolling her onto her back. Even unconscious she was tensed. He cringed slightly as he felt her jagged bones. She soon woke up and jumped. He quickly moved himself away from her so as not to startle her again and she saw the blood on his hands. She flew in to a panic and tears ran down her face as she dragged herself over to the young man.
"Oh Merlin Draco Did I hurt you I'm so sorry!"
He comforted her and carried her back to the sofa. Her fingers absentmindedly trailed to her 'mudblood' scar on her forearm.
"Mione stop."
She immediately stopped and stared at her lap. He sighed and summoned a house elf.
"Lots of food please, my friend is very underweight."
"Yes sir, right away sir."
Hermione hid behind her hair and stayed silent. She pulled her cardigan tighter around herself and pulled the sleeves down, covering her scares that she was so ashamed of.
"Why don't you eat?" He asked softly as he sat down beside her.
She shrugged and kept staring at her lap.
"Hermione I just want to help."
She jumped as the house elf apparated back, carrying multiple trays laden with foods and potions.
"Thank you tippy."
"You're most welcome good master. Here are the nourishment potions. Good luck sir!"

"Come on Hermione. You need to eat."
She looked nervous but she sat up straight and replied softly.
"I will."
He waits nearly 15 minutes and hands her a nourishment potion. She slowly takes it in her shaking hands and raises it to her mouth. Without drinking any, she puts it on the coffee table and looks at him. It hurts him so badly to see her look so broken. He feels bad for not helping sooner. She is shaking all over now and tears run down her cheeks.
"I can't Draco, I can't."
Sobbing, she pulls her knees up to her chest and rocks softly.
"I'm pathetic I know but I can't. I'm so sorry for everything."
"Stop it Mione. You're the strongest person I know. And remember, I said I would help you and I will."
She freezes and stares at Malfoy. Then she stands up and crawls into the gap between the sofa and the wall. Draco groans softly and kneels down to look at her. She already looks more relaxed
"Sorry." She whispers, smiling sadly at him. After half an hour of whispered conversation about anything and everything, he holds out his hand and she creeps forward and takes it. He smiles at her and carries her up to the guest bedroom. With a few flicks of his wand she is tucked up in bed wearing one of his t-shirts. When she's asleep he creeps out the room and looks at his watch. 5.28pm. He jumped when a loud pop comes from the living room, soon followed by voices.

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