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(Btw they take her back to Ginny and Harry's house to stay for a while)

As Hermione began to wake up, Ginny started to talk to her. Hermione tried and failed to sit up so she propped herself up on her elbows. Ginny smiled at her and she returned the favour. Harry appeared in the doorway and her mind was immediately thrown. She felt like she was falling, drowning in darkness until she felt loving arms around her. She slowly and cautiously opened her eyes to see Ginny hugging her, and Harry was gently rubbing her tightly clenched fists until they relaxed.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered, throwing her arms around her two friends. They were surprised but hugged her back.
"Mione?" Ginny asked. Harry chuckled as he looked at the girl curled up on his lap, head against his chest.
"Gin, I think she's asleep! I really don't want to wake her... you don't mind do you? I promise she's like a sister to me, this used to happen all the time in Hogwarts and when we were searching for horcruxes and nothing ever happened between us."
Ginny shook her head and smiled. She really didn't mind, she knew they were like brother and sister, best friends.

When Hermione woke up again, she knew she was snuggled up to a man who had his arm around her. She was practically on top of him and she tensed.
"Ron?" She whispered, barely audibly.
"Harry." The man corrected and she relaxed. She tried to get out of bed and walk, but soon found she couldn't . Harry scooped her up bridal style and walked out the room and down the hall to the bathroom.
"I'll be right outside if you need anything okay?"
She nodded and smiled gratefully to him as he put her down and hurried out. He came running back in just over a minute later when he heard her blood-curdling wail.
"What's wrong?!"
She was crying again, glaring at the scales which read 32.2kg. He sat beside her, pulling her onto his lap as she sobbed onto his shoulder.

He heard Snape apparate and he called out, "We're in here Severus."
Hermione was sobbing quietly,but froze when she heard the footsteps.
"Shh Mione relax, it's just Severus Snape, he healed you before. Don't worry, I'll stay with you."
At noticing the bewildered expression on Snape's face, he glanced pointedly at the scales which had been kicked aside. Snape nodded and frowned. She was already loosing so much weight so fast. How? She was sickly pale and seemed to be constantly shivering. She was almost always tense and skittish and she tried so hard to hide everything under the mask of the perfect gryfinndor princess. He took a seat beside them, allowing the girl to watch him carefully as he spoke calmly.
"Miss Gr- Hermione, how are you loosing weight so fast?"
She stared at him, then fumbled for her wand. Harry glanced at Snape glanced at Snape, and when the man nodded, Harry passed her his wand. Snape had his wand ready but the girl just smiled sadly at them.
"I'm not. I never gained it in the first place. But I'm dying, so my glamour charms are weakening." She points her wand at herself and starts muttering. As she does so, she changes. She still looks like Hermione, just more lost and broken. Her cheeks are sunken, her her eyes have dark puffy bags under and she is even thinner than any other living creature than they had ever seen. Her skin hangs off her bones, she looks like a skeleton. She is covered in cuts and bruises and her lips are swollen and bloody. She tries to stand, but all the energy seems to have been drained from her and she falls back onto Harry. Severus snaps into action as he realises as she is slipping away.
"Expelliarmus!" A slurred voice comes from the doorway and the life saving potion slips from Snape's grasp. He spins around to see Ronald Bilius Weasley. Ron places the full body bind curse on the two sober men and flicks his wand round to Hermione.
"Crucio!" He laughed as she screamed in agony, followed by silence. Then they can hear her fragile bones start to crack and pop. Ron is killing her very slowly and excruciatingly.

Life after war- it's time to let goHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin