Chapter 3

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I was laying on my bed reading a random book I found in my room, since I was bored as hell and had nothing else better to do.

"Liiiaaammm!", I hear mum call from downstairs. I groan and get up and head downstairs. "Yes?" I ask. "Could you take the trash out love, it is starting to stink up the kitchen. "Sure mum", I say, grabbing the trash bag.

As I head out of the house to the trash bin, I notice an unfamiliar family across the street. "Hmm, I guess they just moved here.", I say to myself. Then I notice a girl. Wow, she is GORGEOUS. I see her look my way, and we stare at eachother for like five seconds. Then I think to myself," Oh no! What if she thinks I'm some sort of creep, staring at her like this!"

So I quickly throw the trash in the bin and head inside my house.


We're here. In England. At my new house. Yay. But I have to admit, it's quite nice here. I'm unloading my luggage from the rental car dad rented from the airport right now. I'm able to get two of my suitcases, and have my backpack around my shoulders right now. All that I'm able to carry at the moment.

I turn around and notice a boy. Wow, he's really cute. He even has that perfect side swept hair that I love on guys. He's staring at me! Oh my god, what do I do?! I look at him for five seconds before he throws away the trash bag he was holding, and darts inside his house.

Damnit! He was probably lost in a gaze or something and happened to be looking in my direction. I shrug my shoulders and head inside my house to put down my luggage. "I hope I'll see him again.", I say under my breath heading up to my new room.

I open the door to my new room and I'm pretty surprised. The room is bigger than my old room, one perk about this house... I set down my luggage and go back downstairs to get the rest of my stuff from the rental car.

I start putting my clothes away, happy that my bed and other furniture was already in my room before we got here. Thank you movers. Finally after and hour of unpacking, and making my room to look the way I want, I lay on my bed, trying to relax from everything.

"I still can't believe this...", I sigh. I get up and walk to my window, opening up my curtains. "Ah, much better." I look out my window and notice the house that is directly across the street from us. It's that boy's house from earlier. Interesting. I keep examining his house until my brother walks in.

"Creeper much?", Matt said to me. "I- I was just looking at our neighborhood.", I said. Nice save Scar. ( note my sarcasm ). "Yeah right, I saw you eyeing that guy across the street. No wonder he ran back inside his house! Aha!", Matt said, laughing.

"Shut up! Why did you even come in my room?", I asked, pissed at Matt. "Well mom was talking to some lady who lives on our street. And after they ended their conversation, mom told me to tell you we're gonna have dinner with that woman and her family. I guess it's like a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing."

"Oh, well when is it?" "Uh, I think tomorrow night at six." Matt said. "Alright" I said. "Well I'll just leave you now, enjoy the view of that dude's house!" Matt said before leaving. "Matt!!" I said. I could only hear him laughing down the hall, oh brothers.


"So how'd it go?!", I said curiously. "Honey, calm down, haha, it was fine. They seem like such lovely people. The wife, Alicia, said tomorrow night at six would be great. I think the husband, Scott, will get along with your father. "So, they're coming?!", I asked, so I can believe it's confirmed. "Yes, Liam, why are you so interested in this haha, it's just dinner sweetie."

"Well, um, I like to meet new people?" I know my answer is unbelievable, but u can't tell mum the real reason. "Ehm, okay then. Well I'll call you when supper is ready." "Alright mum!" I said already almost to the top of the stairs.

I can't believe this! I'm going to get to meet that girl from across the street! I can actually talk to her, and hopefully become friends. "Ah, I can't wait until tomorrow." I say smiling.

Yay a long chapter! Well at least to me it's long, haha! Remember, Liam is fourteen in this part of the book, so him and Scarlette are the same age.

How do you think the dinner will go? Will Scarlette want to be friends with Liam? Will the dinner go well? WILL THERE BE AN ALIEN INVASION AND KIDNAP SCARLETTE?!?!?

Comment what you think!

Remember to share and vote, it'll mean the world to me!

Love you all. x


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