Chapter 2

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~2 days later~


It's been two days since my parents told me we're moving. Which means today is my last day at school. I've been seriously bummed because I have to say goodbye to all my friends and I won't get to see them until who knows how long.

"I can't believe you're moving to England!" , Serenity said. "Yeah me neither." , I said bummed. "Well look at the bright side, you might meet some cute British boys! I mean their accents are IRRESISTIBLE!", Serenity said. We both started cracking up after she said that.

I'm gonna miss Serenity the most out of all my friends. We've been best friends since Pre-K, and now I have to say goodbye to her. At least we can call and text eachother, but it won't be the same...

The bell rang, and Serenity and I started heading to our 3rd period classes. As I was walking down the halls heading to Science, I was thinking of how much I'm gonna miss this. I'll have to start a whole new life over, instead of living this awesome one.

The whole day just consisted of me sitting in my classes, thinking of how I'm leaving this life behind and starting a new one. The bell rang at 3:00, which meant it was time to go home. I had already said bye to everyone, so I just walked out of class once the bell rang. I saw my dad's car in the parking lot so I walked to it and got inside.

My dad started driving home. The whole car ride was very quiet. I wasn't in the mood to talk, since I was bummed. Then my dad started up a conversation. Great.

"So, how was school Scar?", he asked.

"Fine." I said looking out the window. "Just fine? Not exciting, not the best last day of school until we get to England? Not--" I cut my dad off saying "Dad I'm not in the mood to talk, so can we just drop it, okay?" Dad sighed and said,"Hun, I know you're bummed because we're leaving but you just have to look past it. I know you're going to miss school and all your friends, but you're going to make new ones. I promise I will try my hardest to make our new life in England just as good as this one. Okay?" Dad said.

"Okay.." I said, "I'm sorry about how I acted, I didn't mean to.." "It's okay sweetie, I understand." We arrived home and I greeted my mom, and had to maneuver my way around the movers to head upstairs to my room.

It was time to start packing up our stuff and head off to England.

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