Diary Entry #16

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In just 11 pages, my life has changed completely. I'm glad I started writing this.

Diary, I've decided don't care about anything anymore. I don't care about the jerks, about school, about the visions... All I know is that Jesse makes me happy. As long as I have him, I don't need anything else. He has this effect over me, like he changes how I see the world.
Today, we went to the lakes and I held his hand in mine the whole time. This random guy called us fags, but I gave him the finger as I strutted away. Jesse laughed. I love his laugh.

Note to self: wishing wells work.

Everything's going good, diary. It's not how I imagined it, not at all. 
But maybe it's even better.

A very happy Austin x

Jesse (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now