Ch.6 being alert

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"I'm telling you ! He was acting so odd" you sighed as you sat on your bed

"who ?!" Sana turns facing you

"Kaizaki" you mumbled

"well, he was a little off at the café" Mei said gathering the pile of clothes and placing them in the white basket

"Y-Y/N what do you have next weekend ?" Sana Asked

"I don't think I have anything other than going home" you checked your phone's calendar

"then can you skip going this weekend ? I'll set you up with max" she smiled

"M-Max ?" You raised a brow

"yeah, he wanted to ask you out , but wasn't sure if you're single" she said as she laid on Mei's bed

"do I look like I'm in a relationship?" You chuckled

"well ... are you dating Kaizaki then ?" She smirked

"K-Kaizaki ?! Why would you think that !" You were very confused

"oh my god !!! You are very dense !! He likes you ,are you blind ?!" She sighed as Mei giggled

"the slight touching, the way he talks to you, it's totally obvious!" She shook her head as Mei nodded

"Sana's right but that why he was acting weird ?" She mumbled sitting on the desk next to the window

"I don't know...uuuuh~ this is too much of a hassle to think about" you sighed

"but why didn't he say anything" Sana pouted

"maybe he's shy" Mei shrugs

"well...until he asks you out, I'll keep setting you up" Sana chuckled

"okay lights off, we'll discuss this another time, Mei added flickering the lights off.

Laying quietly on your bed ,thinking deeply about this topic ,your phone vibrates on your night stand "hmm" opening your message and reading the newest one

— You're being a bad girl love, I know I'm hiding for now but aren't I enough for you ? You can talk to me anytime...what do I have to do for you to take your attention from him?

"What ? I-I'm sure I blocked that freak !" You thought as you pressed the red text that read delete ,waiting in anticipation for another text ,not moving a muscle

"shit" your phone vibrates startling you

— I love you, sleep tight

"what the hell is wrong with this asshole !!" Biting your lips as your lean fingers tapped the screen

— what the fuck is wrong with you ? Are you stalking me you sick bastard, who are you ??

your fingers typed so fast and froze before sending send "will this satisfy him even more ?, I won't answer this ass, I bet that's what he wants" Thinking again ,you delete what you wrote along with the text and went to sleep, trying not to think about it.

*the next day*

*knock knock*

"Who's here at this hour?" Sana said putting on her shoes getting ready for the new day

"that's weird,I'll get it" you wore a F/C shirt and turned the knob opening the door

"good morning" two young males stood before you

"Kaizaki ? Jun ? What are you doing here ? It's 7:40 am ?" Raising an eyebrow

"going to class together is what friends do" Jun gave a peace sign which followed by a bright smile

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