He gives me the most charming smile I’ve ever seen. “I would love that, thank you.”

“Your welcome. Just wait until my shift is over and then we’ll go.” He nods. My watch rings signaling the end of my lunch break. I groan. I want to stay with Michael. “I’ve got to get back to work.” I tell him standing.

“I’ll be here.” I smile at him and go back to work counting down the minutes until my shift is over.


Three Hours Later...


Finally my shift is OVER!

I stash my uniform in my locker and grab my bag, running out to the front. Michael is there like he said he would be. He looks up at me and smiles. I walk up to him and reach my hand out to him. “Come on.” He takes it and stands up. Wow, his skin is so soft and an admirable caramel color.

“Where are we going?” he asks grabbing the duffle bag sitting under the table.

“My favorite place in the whole wide world.” I tell him walking out the door. Before I close the door after us I catch a glimpse of Anaiya and she winks at me before giving me thumbs up. I start blushing and close the door.

The beach is considerably close to the diner. Michael and I get close to the water in no time. My favorite place on the beach is near the water where the water can touch my feet. Which is why I always wear sandals to work. I intertwine my fingers with Michael’s and walk down the beach silently with him. It’s a peaceful silence that makes me want to lay down and sleep.

Soon my legs get tired so I request for a rest. Michael doesn’t object so we sit down. Looking out into the water, I lean back on my elbows and let my head drop back so the sun can touch it. Glancing up, I find Michael staring at me and I thank my lucky stars that Im in the sunlight because I started blushing like crazy. He cant tell now. I glance at him out of the corner of my eyes, “So, your going to boot camp tomorrow?”

He nods his head, “Yep.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, but where is your family?” He looks over at me and gives me a sad smile.

“I don’t have a family. My parents died when I was really little and I’ve been on my own ever since my aunt and uncle died last year.”

Sitting up, I place my hand on his arm as a form of comfort, “Oh my god, Michael I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have-“

“No it’s alright." His hand goes to cover mine and he squeezes it reassuring. "I’ve accepted it and moved on. I’m okay now, and I know my father would’ve wanted this for me. For me to enlist and have a good life.”

I smile at him, “Are you happy? Is this what you really want?” He looks into the water for a while then closes his eyes and lays back on the sand.

“It doesnt matter if Im happy. The important thing is that this will make sure I have a future." He opebs one hand and cups a hand in front of his face. "Im fine. Im grieving, but Ill be  alright. I’m just happy I’m doing what my father wanted. All I wanted was  his approval and love.”

“I’m sure he loves you very much. You’re his son. And he’ll be proud no matter what you do.” I give him a pat on the shoulder and lay back as well, closing my eyes.

We stay like this for a while until I realize if I dont get up Im going to fall asleep. “Michael?” I ask getting up. He removes his arms from his forehead. He hums in reply. “Come on, lets keep walking. I’m afraid I’m going to fall asleep on you.” I admit giggling. He smiles at me and nods getting up. We start walking and talking. I get to know Michael better and he gets to know me.

Michael’s 17 years old, an only child, no other family with him, has had a troubling childhood from the start. In fact he was deprived of his childhood when he turned 6. I grab his hand and give him a reassuring squeeze. He smiles at me, “Well, I’m actually glad I had the life I had.” I raise an eyebrow in confusion and stop walking.


He laughs, “If I hadnt of have the life I had… then I wouldn’t have..." He seems nervous and rubs the back of his neck as he collects his thoughts. “I-I wouldn’t have met you.” He says quickly looking down. My eyes widen and a big smile spreads across my face. Did he just… Oh my gosh! He likes me!!

I put my finger under his chin and lift his head up to meet my eyes. “Well I feel very flattered.” I tell him giving him the most loving smile I can give. “Because I feel the same.” I whisper. Michael stares into my eyes and mixed feelings start stirring up inside me. I’ve never felt these before. It’s new and exciting.

When I stare up at Michael all my problems go away and I’m locked in his gaze forever. I could stay in this position forever. Staring into his eyes. I’ve never felt this way about any boy before. Any guy that comes up to me in school, I’ve never experience this feeling with. Maybe because right now I'm allowing myself to love someone, to let someone in and at school I cant because of Edward and Emmett.

Well, now I don’t have to worry about them. Michael will be going to boot camp, although I cant bare the thought of never seeing him again. We have to exchange numbers before we leave and that way we’ll never lose contact. I’ll hold his number til the end if I have to, if it’s the last thing I do.

Then it hits me.

So this is what love feels like.

Michael place his hand on my cheek and butterflies do summersaults in my stomach. Oh my gosh… I’m so nervous! His breath is intoxicating and I could just eat him all up! Michael’s staring at me with eyes of love and care. Eyes that no one, but my family has shared with me before. He uses his other hand to brush hair out of my face as he whisper, “Your so beautiful…” I just stare up at him afraid of doing the wrong thing.

This is all new to me and Michael isn’t making it any easier on my part. Then all of a sudden he slowly starts to lean in. He’s going to kiss me! Michael is going to kiss me! Of course I’m not gonna push him away, I want it just as much as he does. I want to feel his full beautiful red lips on mine. All the feelings I have combined as one when his lips make contact with mine.

I kiss him back with as much passion as he is giving me. He taste as wonderful as he smells! Now I know I’ll never forget Michael. No matter how hard I try. I wont be able to forget him. He’s one a kind.

Michael deepens the kiss and slowly lowers me to the ground. I move my hands across his body until I find the buttons on his shirt. Slowly, one by one, I unbutton them and take it off once they’re done. And I let Michael do the rest from then…




MJ Fantasy- Traveling SoldierOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant