Self care tips for each types

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If you’re an ISTJ, you tend to do things “by the book.” That’s because, for you, facts rule everything. The practical may bring you life, but noise, disorder, and chaos probably stress you out. Need an escape from the craziness around you? Take some time for a quiet retreat at least once a week to get lost in your mind. Since tradition and order are core values for you, make an effort to meal plan or schedule social events far in advance — whatever would make your chaotic schedule feel more predictable and grounded. (Wouldn’t hurt to get a cute planner too!)

The perfect blend of practical and considerate, you’re probably an amazing nurturer — the kind of friend who is there for someone in a heartbeat with a hot meal or a cup of coffee, no questions asked. Before you jump in to meet someone else’s needs, it’s important to make make sure your needs are met too. Though your emotional side helps you to notice your own feelings, you may not be an expert at expressing them. Try incorporating journaling into your routine and come up with some mantras that help you say no to helping someone else when your plate is too full.

Let’s get straight to the point: You are an incredible friend. Your intuition helps you naturally notice others’ feelings, probably even before they do. Because your emotional radar is so on point, it can be easy for you to stuff your own emotions away, even at the expense of your physical or mental health. To make sure you’re in tip-top shape to love the people who are so important to you, prioritize physical movement, whether at the gym or in your own living room. Expressing your feelings through kickboxing or jogging will not only strengthen your body, but it’ll keep your mind in check too.

If you’re an INTJ, you probably see life as a puzzle. And that’s a good thing, because you’re just the one to solve it. Since your mind is so profoundly strategic and critical, give it a rest from time to time. Next time you need a break from figuring out life’s complexities — which is hard, because you’re so good at it! — try engaging in something mindless that also satisfies your knack for problem-solving, like a puzzle or a computer game.

Chances are, you can go from “quiet observer” to “heroic problem solver” in a matter of seconds. Although you are introverted by nature and need alone time to feel sane, you also love to strategically solve problems, which can get exhausting at work or in relationships. To take care of yourself, keep your schedule wide open when you can. When you’re “on,” you’re a powerful contributor, so give yourself time to be “off” while still indulging your senses, whether that’s downloading new apps on your phone for the fun of it or listening to your favorite podcast or album.

Are you an ISFP? You’re probably an amazing combination of compassionate, deep, and spontaneous. You love places and experiences that engage your senses, and you’re also an expert at seizing the moment. To make sure your craving for beauty is met on a regular basis, plan a solo date night once a month and take yourself out to try a new food or cocktail and people watch at a local spot you’ve been curious about.

INFPs are the world’s poets — sentimental, deep, and sensitive to boot. If you’re an INFP, you probably crave deep emotional connection with others, but giving your beautiful self to others in such a profound way can get tiring after a while. To protect yourself from burnout, practice establishing healthy boundaries with those who might not realize it can be draining for you to share. Know that saying “no” to someone’s needs on occasion is saying “yes” to something equally meaningful: a healthy relationship with yourself.

Whether you’re at work or in a group of friends, you’re always looking to learn new things. You’re wild about taking in knowledge that challenges you and helps you think in new ways. Next time you learn something new, take some time to process it before you move on to the next thing. Whether you journal or just sit down with a friend to process the latest theory you’re obsessed with, if you slow down and figure out how to apply what you’ve learned, your life will be better for it.

There’s no go-getter like an ESTP. You know what you want, and you probably have a five-year plan for getting it. Being ambitious and future-focused is a good thing, but it can also keep you from enjoying the moment. To give your goal-oriented self some TLC, put your planner and laptop aside and practice some meditation or yoga that helps you engage in the present moment with your senses. Chances are, you’ll be more equipped to run after your plans with a little break now and then!

The party doesn’t start until you walk in. Everywhere you go, you bring enthusiasm and charm, and you’re probably one of the friendliest people out there. Try to focus on feeling grounded and balanced amidst your extroverted activities and have just one or two friends over for dinner every so often. Not only will you get to flex your entertaining skills in a different way, but you’ll also get a much-needed chance to connect with a few friends on a deeper level.

As an ENFP, you’re enthusiastic, passionate, and outgoing, fueled by experiences that encourage your zest for life, even if that means hopping from one thing to the next. For you, the rush of change can be addictive, so it’s important to learn how to be present in the moment, even if it feels boring. Though it might seem counterintuitive, try to get some alone time before you’re swept away into the next fun thing. By taking some time to slow down and do something creative — just for the sake of enjoying it — you can indulge your deep side without exhausting yourself mentally and teach yourself how to be present in things that might not be all that exciting.

Hey, world changer! From social commitments to work and volunteer efforts, you’ve probably got a lot on your plate. Usually, you can handle the chaos of jumping from one thing to the next, but the constant movement can start to take a toll if it goes unchecked. To make sure you don’t overdo it, satiate your desire to change the world through your amazing ideas in less immediately demanding ways, like reading a biography about someone who inspires you, or kicking back with the most on-trend beer you can find while watching an episode of Shark Tank.

For ESTJs, no nonsense is the name of the game. Responsibility and hard work are core values for you, and you’ll do whatever it takes to sustain those values in your life — which may make it hard for you to relax. For a diligent, highly efficient person like you, relaxation and fun may even seem lazy. For you, self-care means challenging the mindset that leisure isn’t productive. Try to integrate regular intervals of “pointless” fun and laughter into your routine, and watch how taking time to relax will actually fuel your ambition and work ethic later on.

Caring, outgoing, and practical, ESFJs are givers to the core. Because you’re so efficient, you’re probably the first person to help a friend or coworker. But because this comes so naturally to you, your generosity can go unnoticed, which is a bummer, because you thrive on positive affirmation and feedback. To ensure your levels of input and output stay as balanced as possible, say “no” when you feel overwhelmed, and when you say “yes,” be honest about needing feedback and encouragement for all the ways you contribute.

Fueled by empathy and a drive to care for others, you’re a humanitarian who knows how to bring out the best in others. Because you’re so focused on bringing positive change to the world around you, you can miss opportunities to do the same for yourself. For the people- and cause-focused ENFJ, self-care means protecting your inner world so you have something left to give when it really matters. Whether you schedule a monthly appointment with a therapist or incorporate journaling into your routine, make sure you take time to engage in activities that don’t allow you to dismiss your own emotions.

A natural leader with a strong sense of ambition, you know your personality can come off as intense. That’s because you’re always analyzing your surroundings, looking for opportunities to learn, lead, and debate. To give your naturally critical mind a rest and take care of your always-moving body, download a meditation app and practice noticing your breath without making mental judgments. It may be hard to quiet your thoughts, but the payoff will be worth it!

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