Chapter three

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Khalifa POV

Its been three days since my dad disclose the bad news to me, how on earth do they want me to marry a girl I don't love, I couldn't think straight for the past two days, all I know about the girl was that, she is the sister of my childhood friend Salim, we lost contact 7 years ago When I travel to US to further my studies, I don't know what to tell him when we meet.

I just kept thinking, not knowing what else to do. My girlfriend khadija called me yesterday but I couldn't talk to her properly , cause I was so confused, not knowing what to tell her I ended the call saying i was sick. I can't possibly tell her about the marriage, at least not now.
"I need some advice", I said at loud, before picking up my phone to call my best friend Hafiz, he picks after the second ring.
"Hello buddy "he said

"Hi, please can you come over to my
Place now, if you are less busy ". I said

"What wrong you sound worried "he said

"We will talk when you get here, don't take long." I said

"Ok I will be at your place in the next twenty minutes "he said before hanging up.

After about 30minutes, I heard a knock on my door, I was sure it was Hafiz so I answered
"come in"

Hafiz entered looking stressed, I think he came here directly from work "salam alaikum

"he said entering my room "wa'alaikum salam, have a sit please "

I replied pointing at the couch beside my bed

"What Is wrong khalifa you got me worried "he said

"It a long story bro, I don't even know where to start "I said

"Just Relax and start from the beginning "he said, living the couch and seating down beside me on the bed

"The thing is dad wants me to get married to his childhood friend daughter HUMAIRA " he look shock for a moment, I know that's not what he was expecting. Who would ever think a grown man like me will be forced into marriage.

"Are You being serious, did You by any means offend him? "

"Of course not, you know I won't" I said, we both stayed silent for about five minutes

"Ok why not tell him about your relationship with Khadija, tell him you want to marry her " he said

" I told him about her, but he said am not being serious, he said the only reason this marriage won't take place is if the girl reject the proposal "I said

Hafiz didn't say anything for a while. the two of us sat in silence, while I stared blankly at the wall, Hafiz seemed to soak in all I said.

"These is a big problem, but don't worry buddy, the girl might reject the proposal "he said

I know he was just trying to make me feel better, but it just not working at the moment.

"Why will she be the one to reject me, why not the other way round". I said

"Come on stop being a drama queen, it doesn't matter who get to reject the proposal, what we want is now Is solution". He said

I don't even know what to say ,we sat silent before he broke the silence,

"Have you tell Khadija about it"

"Not yet man, am confused I don't want to lose her, I don't want to tell her just yet "

"I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong, it better if you tell her yourself, You meant not lose her completely, it will hurt her more if she hear it from someone else" he said

And he has a point
"OK I will tell her but after her sister wedding this Saturday, besides am still waiting the girl might reject the proposal, I pray she is won't be forced just like me. "

"that's good let just pray for the best "

"am meeting the girl's family for dinner tomorrow, I want you to come with."

"sorry man, am traveling to Gombe, I will be back before Friday inshaallah,"he said

"OK know problem, but you have to come here on Saturday, we have to attend the wedding at Khadijah's place"

"that won't be a problem "he responded.

am very sorry for The late update
thank you
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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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