Chapter 3

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"Alexis, i want you to meet my friend Mason!" "H-hi mason.." I'm so nervous. He's so flawless.. Than I'm just me. "Hey Alexis! How are you?" "I'm grand thank you, and yourself.?" He said something but i wasn't paying attention. I was mesmerized by his voice. Wait, no Alexis. Don't think like that. You only have just met Mason. Just calm down.. We all walked to class. Mason, Bill, and I. I feel they are going to be some of the main people that will help me through this year. Well i thought that. Sigh. 

I went to go find Bill and Mason after class so we could all eat together and that's when i saw it. Bill surrounded by multiple girls. I walked towards him, slowly. "Hey bill." All the girls turned around and laughed. "Ew look what the cat dragged in!" They all started calling me names.. Dyke, Fag, Whore, etc.. The one girl who bill has his arm around says "You thought you had a chance with him didn't you sweetheart. Never will you have a chance" I was so confused.. Bill seemed so nice. He seemed nice! I backed away and turn and ran. Everyone starring. I ran out of the lunch room and collapsed in the hall. Mason runs up and wraps his arm around me, "Whats wrong!". I cant talk. I'm crying to much. 

He walks me towards the exit door. Once I'm calmed down i explained everything to him. About how bill turned out to be a douche and how the girls all called me names. We sat outside on the bench. He just looked at me. My ugly self. Puffy eyes, my nose running, messy blonde hair, He just sat and looked at me. Kinda with that half smile guys do. Made him very attractive. he finally spoke up "Alexis, there's something different about you." I just looked at him. In my head I'm thinking, Should i tell him, now is the perfect time. But he beat me to it. "Alexis, you re not Alexis are you?.." I look down and quietly say "No.." Tears build in my eyes. "What do you like to be called?. I see you cringe every time someone calls you that. I see how you act." I start crying again but slowly look up. "James.." Mason smiles and says "You're transgender aren't you?" There is that sexy smile again. Oh god. I shake my head. He smiles and says "I have someone i want you to meet."

We talk about how no one else knows I'm transgender and how i tried to tell my parents. All as we walk. We finally reach a boy. Standing at his locker. Short hair, glasses, cute accent, bright blue eyes. I wonder if anyone has ever said a cheesy pick up line about blue eyes to him. Hmm. "Ale.. I mean James meet Alex' Alex reaches his hand out and i shake it "Nice to meet you James! How are you" "Better, you?" "I'm grand!" Mason leans over and whispers something to Alex.. They both smile big. I've never seen anyone smile like that. I've never smiled like that. I wonder what mason said. 

We all leave school and go sit under a tree. That's when Alex says it. "James, I want to tell you something. I'm transgender as well. Now i don't tell people this just out of the blue. Mason here told me in the hall that you re still hiding being transgender. Well if it makes you feel better, You sure pull off looking like a guy. And i don't know if you know or not.." Alex looks at mason and mason smiles and nods his head. Alex continues "Mason is also transgender. We are here to help you. To help you through your transition. Now we aren't on T yet but we both plan to though." I don't know what to think. Mason pulled it off amazingly, never in a thousand years would i have guessed. Alex to. But it comforts me knowing that i have two transgender friends. 

That's when bill and his "group" walks over...

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