Childhood heroes and a great loss

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(IF YOU DON'T WANT PETER'S BACKSTORY, SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER. Thats where the cute Irondad/Superfamily starts!!)

(A/N Hey guys Mils here, If y'all want the cutsey irondad and superfamily stuff skip this chapter

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(A/N Hey guys Mils here, If y'all want the cutsey irondad and superfamily stuff skip this chapter. This is basically just Peter's backstory plus a bit of Uncle Bruce. Just sets you guys up for chapters later on!  Enjoy, comment and vote!!!)

Ever since a young age Peter Parker had been abandoned by his family. His parents died when he was 4, leaving him and his only living relatives a healthy fund of income. His elderly uncle and aunt were all he had left until Ben Parker was shot and killed while finding his teen-aged nephew who had ran off a few hours earlier due to a disagreement. That was a month before Peter got a radioactive spider bite from Oscorp, and became the friendly neighborhood spider-man. Peter had a genius level IQ and could have easily graduated when he was 10, but desired to keep attending school, to attempt to achieve normalcy. Peter was somewhat happy. He got a perfect score on his Algebra test, found a perfectly good DVD player just sitting on the sidewalk and didn't miss his train. This happiness streak ended abruptly when Peter arrived home. 

"Aunt May." He yelled, turning to lock the door behind him and taking his headphones out. He walked into the small Queens apartment and looked around. Usually his aunt would greet him and pester him about how his day had been. Turning out of the kitchen into the dining room Peter was horrified to see a trail of dried blood in his aunt's favorite rug.

 "No no no no no no no" Peter unconsciously kept saying, frantically looking about the home. He finally found her, his aunt sitting in the corner of her very small bathroom with her head against the wall and sitting  in a pool of dried blood. He rushed to her and checked for pulse, it was faint but there. He was quick to dial '911' and get the ambulance to their home. Crying he stood at the back of the ambulance, sirens making his enhanced senses explode, not wanting to come to terms with reality.

<3 hours later - hospital room>

Peter had broken out the money his uncle and aunt put aside when his parents died to get the best doctors available to attend to his aunt. It had been 3 hours and not a word. He sat, head in hands, on a small uncomfortable hospital waiting chair. "Is there a Peter Parker here?" Peter's head shot up and his unruly chocolate curls bounced back as he raced to the nurses side. "Yes,yes that's me. Is May okay? Will she be okay?" Peter bombarded her with questions. She just simply replied, "Dr. Banner will see you now." with a smile and led him through a series of hallways that reeked of dead and disinfectant. As he walked through the door, a man stood to greet him. Peter took a glance and found that his idol for many years was standing right next to him. "Mr-Dr. Banner-sir. I-I'm Peter." He said and put his hand out, "Bruce." Banner replied sitting them down on opposite sides of his office desk. 

"I've read your work on gamma radiation and i believe it's unparalleled. But, actually, if you melted the chemical and infused it instead of just melting it, you would have been successful. Kinda like how Mr. Stark created his arch reactor." Peter said matter-of-factually. Bruce just stared and shook his head, reminding himself to close his mouth. "Wow, um. Thanks? You are 15, correct?" Peter just nodded, then reminded himself the reason he was there. "What's going to happen with my Aunt May." Bruce sighed a bit,  looking at the teen in front of him clearly distraught. "Well, it isn't pretty. We did all we could, but she's on life support. Her survival percent is 15% at most. I'm sorry Peter. Who can I call to pick you up?" 

Peter looked at Dr, Banner in shock, tears welling in his eyes. "No one. I have no one." Tears now threatening to escape. "How do you have this much money to take care of your aunt like this? If you don't mind me asking." Bruce asked, trying to changed the conversation topic which was clearly a sensitive one. Peter shook his head as if to shake the tears and sadness away. "Um, my parents and uncle died and put it into a safe keeping, in case something were to happen to me. My parents were bio-geneticists with Oscorp." Bruce was a little taken back. 

"Parker, as in Richard and Mary Parker." Bruce held a small smile as the boy gave him a small nod, blush forming on his cheeks making his hazel eyes seem brighter. "We used to be friends, I even helped on some of their later projects. I attended the funeral, but was unaware they had a child. You would have been what, 4?" Bruce pried, as Peter gave another small nod, then answered in a relatively small voice. "They wanted to keep me out of their work lives, which grew to be their whole lives so-" Peter trailed off, leaving them both in an awkward silence. Bruce cleared his throat and stood up, opening the door for Peter who stood up and walked out. 

Before Peter could walk away, Bruce put a firm hand on his shoulder "'If anything happens, I will call you. Take care Peter." Peter nodded and walked away. leaving Bruce to his work.

 <2 weeks later - Midtown school of science and technology assembly>

It had been two weeks since the incident, and Peter had told no one. He rarely stayed at his apartment other than the night hours to sleep. He did his homework and ate at Mr Delmar's sandwich shop. Ned and MJ, his 2 best friends, had been suspicious since the once quirky and a-dork-able teen was now almost mute. Now they were all seated in a noisy hall filled with pubescent teenagers who all would rather be ANYWHERE else. (A/N relatable?) They were all told a special guest was going to give a talk today, no one was really interested until the teachers said they would miss calculus class. Once everyone was seated and settled the light dimmed dramatically. "Hello Midtown Tech!" A booming voice came over the stage speakers as the lights come on and spotlighted none other the the Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

Word count: 1031

#unclebruce Sorry for the long backstory guys but it's important to know whats going on you know? Any suggestions for future chapters?

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