"Oh my god! You proposed to me and then went to sleep with someone else. How could you do that to me. You lied about this for two months." Iris yells standing up from where she was sitting before next to me. "I know I shouldn't have lied to you." I reply.

"Yeah you shouldn't have! You went months with lying to me. Did you even want to marry me, is that why you slept with her." Iris asks. "Of course I did, it didn't mean anything, so I thought I shouldn't have told you." I explain. "You should've told me, anyway. I had a right to know. I would've listened. I might of understood. You know that. So there has to be some other reason why you didn't tell me." Iris explains. I didn't know how to answer that question. All I know is that I was scared. Scared to accept the feelings I had for Kara. I loved Iris, I really did. But while I was in the musical world with Kara. It really made wonder, if we were really meant to be.

"You love her don't you?" Iris asks. I look up to her, feeling guilty. I nod, not knowing what to say. Iris looked at me so sad. "I loved you Iris, and I didn't tell you about what happened between Kara and I because I didn't want to admit the feelings I had for her, and telling you would be. I never wanted to hurt you. You were my first love and you will always hold a special place in my heart, but I love Kara more." I explain finally admitting my true feelings.

"You deserve to be happy Barry, you've lost so much in your life, you deserve to have love in your life, and I always thought that it would be me to give you it. But I'm glad you found someone who can." Iris gives me a weak smile. "I should probably go back inside to tell everyone we won't be getting married. As for you, I think you should tell Kara how you feel. It took you so long to tell me, don't waste time telling her." Iris gives me one last kiss, and then walks back inside the church. She's right, there's nothing stopping me from telling Kara how I feel.

Kara's POV

Everyone was talking, while waiting to see what is going to happen with this wedding. However I couldn't think about what is going to happen. I was to busy wondering why Barry decided to object his own wedding. It wasn't because of me, was it? I mean it most likely isn't, but why would he object to marrying the love of his life. My thoughts were interrupted, because Iris finally came back inside.

"Excuse me everyone, I'm sorry to say that Barry and I will no longer be getting married, we both decided to go our separate ways. However you guys are more then welcome to stay and enjoy the reception. Food and drinks are already paid for." Iris explains to everyone. Once she finishes she walks over to Joe and Cecile and continues to talk. "Hey Alex, I'm going to check on Barry to see if he is alright." I say. She gives me a smile and I start walking towards the door. As I'm walking, I notice Iris give me a small smile and nods her head towards the door. I smile and head out the door. I see Barry sitting on a bench under a tree looking down at his hands. "Hey." I say as I walk up to him. "Hi." he says looking up to give me a small smile. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm okay. I feel like some of the weight has been lifted off my shoulders." He explains. "Yeah?" "Yeah, I know I made the right decision on letting Iris go, but I still got a lot on my mind." Barry says.

"Why did you leave Iris? Why couldn't go through with it?" I ask. " I didn't want to lie to her anymore, she didn't deserve that." "Yeah, lying to someone you love is difficult." I say.

"Yeah, besides I couldn't marry Iris, when I'm in love with someone else." Barry explains.

When he said that, my heart dropped. Did he love me? Did he mean someone else? Should I tell him how I feel? I noticed we were sitting in silence for awhile. " Well if you are in love with someone else, you should tell her."

" I don't know, I have been friends with her for awhile now, and I don't want to ruin what we have if she doesn't feel the same way. I guess you could say I'm afraid." Barry explains. "Yeah, I know how you feel." I tell him. "You do?" "Yeah, I have liked this guy for awhile, and I have been too afraid to tell him. Aren't you tired of fear taking over." I ask. "Yeah I am" He says. " I mean we're superheroes, we have faced some of the most powerful beings on the planet and we're afraid of being rejected." I explain. "Funny how that happened." Barry says chuckling. We sit in silence for awhile. It's funny how fear can end up being your greatest enemy. I for one am done being afraid.

"Barry?" I say.


" I lied to you. That night when we kissed I did have feelings, but I was scared to tell you because you were with Iris. But I'm done being afraid. I realized that when you "saved" me from falling out of that window, and when you brought me ice cream, and even when you helped me defeat Livewire and Silver Banshee that you would be someone important in my life. What I didn't realize was that when you left my earth for the first time, that you took my heart with you. That night when we kissed, only brought out feelings that I guess I always have had, but never wanted to show. I love you Barry, and I don't want to hide it anymore." I say getting every feeling I had for him out there.

Barry didn't say anything, he just looked at me shocked. I realized that maybe telling him how I felt was a mistake.

Barry's POV

I couldn't think of anything to say to Kara. She loves me. She loves me back.

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything" She says.

" I love you too." I say.

"What?" She asks. Not believing what I said.

" I love you too. I have for awhile now." I say.

Kara continues to look at me surprised. I stare into her eyes. Placing my hand on her cheek I slowly lean in until I finally reached her lips. Kara deepens the kiss. We stay like this for a while until finally letting go to catch our breath. "Listen Kara I know, that us being in a relationship is going to be difficult, but I'm willing everything I can to make this work, if you are." I say. Instead of answering Kara kisses me again. "It's all I ever wanted." She says after releasing from the kiss. "Me too" I say kissing her again. 

Yay! I finally updated this book. Sorry for the hiatus, I have been pretty busy with High School, but now that I am finally getting used to things I will be updating this book once a week. I also have a new book coming out in a few weeks, so stay tuned for that. 

-Nikki :)

Here's A SuperFlash Edit I made enjoy! 

One More Night.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin