The Wedding

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Earth One

Kara's POV

I can't stop thinking about last night. I'm concerned about Barry. When we were talking last night he sounded sad. I don't understand why would he be sad the day before he marries the love of his life. Maybe he's second guessing marrying her? What if he doesn't love her anymore? What if he loves someone else? What if he loves me? Stop it Kara! He was probably having pre wedding jitters, everyone gets those before their wedding. Besides he loves Iris, and he could never have feeling for me. Anyway yesterday Barry asked me to sing Iris's aisle song. So here I am waiting for my que. I look over to Barry who is looking at the door waiting for the love of his life. I can't help but wonder what it would've been like if I just told Barry how I felt the night we kissed. Would he still be up here marrying Iris? Would we be together? I guess we will never know, because I was to afraid to tell him about how I felt all that time ago. I was put out of my thoughts when the music started, meaning it was time for me to start singing.

Can't Say How The Days Will Unfold

Can't Change What The Future May Hold

But I Want You In It

Every Hour

Every Minute

As I see Iris walk down the aisle, in the most beautiful dress. I realized how much being Supergirl has cost me. I could've tried to have a normal life, I could've tried harder to fit in. If I did, maybe I would've had the chance to find love. If I never became Supergirl, I would've never met Barry, then I wouldn't be standing here singing for the man I love's wedding. If I never became Supergirl my life would never be this complicated. I finished the song and took a seat next to Alex.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join Bartholomew Henry Allen and Iris Anne West in holy matrimony. I might not know these two personally, but I do know that these two are meant to be. How do I know that, because of all of you, being here and supporting them on coming together as one. If any of you object to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

I wanted to object. I wanted to stand up and tell Barry how I feel. But I can't do that to him. He loves Iris and if he didn't he wouldn't be standing up there marrying her.

"I object."

As soon as I heard those two words, I covered my mouth afraid I said it out of impulse. I looked around and realized that it was Barry who objected. But why?

Barry's POV

I didn't want to hurt Iris like this. But I couldn't go through with marrying her when I'm in love with Kara. "Barry,what are you doing?" Iris asked. "I'm so sorry Iris, but I can't do this." I answered. I quickly ran out of the church and sat on a bench nearby. I feel really bad that I left Iris in there all by herself. I never meant to do this. I thought that my love for Iris would be strong enough to push away these feelings I have for Kara. But today when I was standing on that aisle about to marry Iris, I realized I was going to marry the wrong girl and that I'm not in love with iris anymore. I'm in love with Kara.

"Barry?" I hear someone say. I look up to see Iris. "Why did you walk away? What's wrong?" She asks sitting next to me. "I'm sorry Iris, I just couldn't go through with it." I say. "I don't understand, why not?" She questioned. "Because i lied to you about something, and I don't want to start our relationship off with a lie." I explain to her, I know it's not exactly the whole truth, but it is the one of the reasons why I couldn't marry her.

"I don't understand, what did you lie about."

"A week after the music world fiasco, when I went to Kara's Earth we got drunk and we slept together." I answered.

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