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Earth 1

Cisco's POV

It has been a few days since Barry came back from Earth 38 and he has been acting strange. He spaces out a lot and he's very quiet. Also he seems distant from Iris. On top of all that he never even told us what happened on Kara's Earth. I wonder why? I am taken out of my thoughts, from the sound of footsteps walking toward the cortex.

"Hey Cisco, got any meta alerts?

"Nope, it's like every villain in town are on vacation. I wonder what villains do when they don't cause crimes." I say getting off task.

"Who knows, but if they are on vacation that means they will come back. So keep your eyes open." Barry says. Barry starts to walk out of her room, but I stop him.

"Hey Barry, you never told what you and Kara did back on her Earth." Barry turns around and seems surprised by my question.

"Not much we just talked." He says pausing.

"Really, that's it?" Did they really just talk. I thought they would go out kicking some alien butt and then celebrate.

"Yeah that's all." Barry pauses and looks at me.

"Why did someone say something else, because we did not do anything just talked. A lot of talking. Nothing else." Barry rambles on. I could tell that he was nervous.

"No one said anything, I just thought you guys would fight crime. You have not really talked about your trip."

"Yeah I know, there is nothing to talk about. We caught up about what's been going on each other's Earth and just random stuff. I fell asleep on the couch , and then we got coffee and talked more then I went home." Barry says and then walks out of the cortex.

I wonder why he freaked out so much, when I asked about Kara. He looked kind of nervous. I wonder if something happened between them?

Earth 38

Alex's POV

It's been a few days since Barry left and Kara seemed kind of down. Every time I ask her about Barry she just looks down and gives me a simple answer. I was surprised that Barry did not stay longer, to visit the rest of us. I had to hear from Kara about him coming. I try to ask Kara why he left early, but she again gave me a simple answer saying that he had a problem he needed to take care of. Kara flew into the DEO, and walked up to me.

"Hey Alex. How is everything, any crimes?" Kara asks hopeful. Things have been very quiet. The Daxamites have been peaceful here. There has not even been very many robberies or simple aliens attack.

"No still quiet, sorry."

" I don't understand, why is everything so peaceful, I wonder if there is any crime on Barry's Earth." Kara says sitting on a chair nearby.

"Barry? Why do you care if there is crime on Barry's Earth?" I ask. Kara has been doing this for a few days. She would "accidentally" slip Barry's name into a conversation. She must miss him.

"I just mentioned his Earth because I am bored and thought his Earth had criminal activity." Kara explains.

"Then why not just go there. You clearly miss him. And they have crimes on his Earth." I tell her.

"I would, but I can't." Kara states.

"What why?"

"Mon-el just got back and I want to spend as much time with him as possible. I don't just want to leave him here alone." Kara explains.

"Then don't go." I say. "Oh by the way, how are things between you and Mon-el?

"Things are good. Better than ever. Why wouldn't it be? Did he say something to you?" Kara asks.

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