Chapter 79

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- Here we are! -I clapped my hands excitedly from the passenger seat as Jimin hyung giggled from my side and turned the wheel for a last time. 

- Yup!

We parked at the sandy area and got out of the car. 

Wow, this place. 

The breeze caressed my face as I got out of the car, making my thin shirt and hair move gracefully against it. The smell of the sea came to my nose and I closed my eyes to pull it in. 

Ughh what is this uncomfortable feeling I feel inside?

- Are you excited? -Jimin hyung asked with a calm smile as he walked to me and stood in front me. I leaned back on the car tiredly and shut my eyes hard. 

- I am, but I'm a little nervous. -I massaged my eyes with my fingers impatiently. -I don't understand... Why am I still like this? Why can I not win over it yet hyung... 

- Shh, come here love. -Jimin hyung took a step forward, took my fingers away from my eyes and held my hands in between his gently. I opened my eyes only to meet his meaningful ones. He caressed the outside of my hands with his thumbs as a warm smile found its place on his lips. 

- Hyung... -My heart beat in a different way this time, it was for him, for his love. But the anxiety was still there. The two emotions fucked me up. -Hug. -I pouted as he chuckled and pulled me towards him from my waist and tightened his arms around me. I placed my arms on his shoulders and slowly tightened them around his neck. 

- I know. -He planted a kiss on my neck as I stared up to the night sky and looked at the stars. -It doesn't go away like you thought it would, right? 

- No. -I shook my head as he started running his hands on my back. I leaned my head to the side on his shoulder, growing comfortable on him like a little kid. 

- Remember the first time we came to this beach? -He asked me, catching me a little off guard with the question.

- Oh, yes. Of course... -I smiled, remembering the day me and the hyungs had come here after Jimin and Taemin hyung's performance. We had swum here late at night. It was one of the rare first times that I had embraced my youth and freedom, and Jimin hyung was right beside me...

- I declared you as my hero that day. Remember? -Jimin hyung spoke with a funny voice as I laughed and nodded, my arms tightening a little around him. The memory brings back good goosebumps. -That day, I almost drowned and you hugged me so tightly until I came back to you. 

- Hyung... 

- Jungkookie, that was the first time you broke out of your shell. It was the first time I stared into your eyes and saw that fearless boy under that moonlight. -Oh this is almost making me emotional. I feel little tears in my eyes. -I was so proud of you. 

- You were?

- Mm hm. Very. -He pecked my neck as I bit my lower lip, remembering how he had kept on kissing my neck while we hugged in the water that night too. It was magical... -And I know. I know sometimes your anxiety comes and goes and you hate that it still hasn't stopped. But you know something else? 

He slowly pulled me out of the hug, but still keeping his arms around me, stared into my eyes. 

- You are not the only one. 

I gulped, looking into his eyes as if it was the first time and searching for more of an explanation. 

- I feel nervous a lot of times too... When I came out to you that night at home, when I first kissed you, when we first made love... -He stopped at this part and stared at my lips, making me feel hot waves on my skin. -Right now... 

Touch Therapist | Jikook/Kookmin [UNDER REVISION]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora