Chapter 3 "Butterflies"

Start from the beginning

Why was I remembering those stuff? I was supposed to be drunk! I was supposed to be high and have fun-

"J-Jo? Is that youu..?" uttered a figure, approaching me.

I blinked my eyes and stared back at the guy, trying to realise who he was. "Drake?" I guessed, the figure nodding before sitting beside me.

"..Yeeeep *hiccup* It's Draaaaake *hiccup* I think so at least..," he sounded waaay too drunk.

I giggled. "Draaake...buddy. Good to see you! You're one of the few people around, who I actually likee..," I let out honestly, my brain hurting as a bitch.

"I like you too!" He screamed, almost piercing my eardrums.

"For real?" I inquired, looking like a pouting five year-old.

"Yes!" he affirmed and placed his lips inches away of my earlobe, "And you want to know my secret?"

I nodded in advance. I was a sucker for secrets.

"I think...," he inhaled making my heartbeat faster, "I think...," he repeated, me ready to collapse. "I have feelings for you Jo.."

I suddenly felt as if my world was falling apart. He... He had feelings for me? How was that even possible? Okay, I amdit that we may have been pals for years, that he may have been overprotecting, that-... Oh fuck.

My best friend's got a crush on me.

I looked backed at Drake; His head was tilting backwards, touching the balcony's railings, his eyes tightly closed. He must have fallen asleep. I took another glimpse of him, before returning back to the living room, sitting on the couch, next to a nearly passed out Jay.

Drake loved me..? I was gazing blankly on the wall in front of me; trying to deceipher his words. He can't love me, right? Love is a bad thing. I know it. I've conforted Chloe too many times after a harsh breakup. Each relationship ended with one being heart-broken. So, that's what Drake wanted...? To hurt me?

I sighed. "No one cares about me... I used to think that Drake did, but apparently I was wrong. He just wants to fuck me. Yep, that's it. That's what love is; satisfying your needs..." I felt my body shiver, my eyes turning wet; tearfilled. I closed my eyes and bent my head on the couch.

"..What?..." Jay's voice made me pop.

"Don't you agree with me?" I blankly asked him.

"About whaaaaat?" I chuckled. He was still quite drunk.

"About love, silly!"

"I don't love you!" He protested out of nowhere.

"Thanks, captain obvious! I'm quite glad about it!" Fore some reason, irritation was apparent on my voice.

"Glad..?" Jay pouted, his puppy eyes piercing me. 

"No..You didn't understand-"

"I diiidn't?" He was fucking adorable right now.

"You didn't..," I affirmed and giggled, "When you love someone you want to use the person just for your... needs. You keep dreaming of you two together, doing- you know what!" I barked, him staring back confused.

Then out of nowhere he began laughing. Laughing and laughing at my face. He only stopped to speak to me. "You know miss, you've got it wrong!" He said, his finger lightly pressing my nose. He was idotically cute. "Love..," he continued, "Is nothing like that!" 

I just looked at him with puzzlement. 

That's when he stood on the couch jumping upwards and downwards. "Love is when you're happy just because the one you love is near you. Love, is when you can't stop but act like a fool when she smiles back at you. Love...," he now helped me up, us both jumping onto the poor couch, chuckling. "Love, is, when you look into her eyes and can't control the butterflies.." His hands were now holding his stomach.

What's the connection with butterflies and stomach?

"..Butterflies?" I asked, way too innocently for my liking.

"It's this tickling sensation inside you, which, even if it hurts; It's just brings you joy. More than anything else.."

"How can someone feel butterflies?" I was quite curious about them.

"Well, if you loved me for example..," he stopped for a while, before entwining his fingers with mine. "Then, If I did this, you'd have this weird sensation on your stomach, called butterflies.." He wore once again a goofy smile.

I would smile back, though I couldn't. I frowned. Because for some reason, I understood what he was talking about. 

I looked back at him and he was still smiling. "J-Jay..?" I urged. "I think I might understand what you are talking about.."

"You do? Have you felt them before?!" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

I gasped. Not able to lisp a word, I nodded.

"That's great!" He exclaimed.

I wore a weak, awkward grin. My stomach was being weird, since he first touhed my hand. But those aren't butterflies, right? I mean, I don't have feelings for Jay.., right? Right?! I closed my eyes and nipped my lip;

Please! I don't want to love anybody...! Please you fucking butterflies, please go away... I-I don't want to hurt him... Not again...


Chapter 3! Smallest chapter so far..:/ But I tried my best! Hope you liked it! Please comment/vote! I'm open to suggestions Love you all guys! You make me so happy when you read my storyyy! So thanks for that^^ xx

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